Blu-ray Logo — Blu-ray disc also known as Blu-ray or BD, is a format of optical disc new generation of 12 cm in diameter (same as CD and DVD) for high-definition video and high data storage density. Its storage capacity reaches 25 GB per layer, while Sony and Panasonic have developed a new evaluation index (i-MLSE) that would expand by 33% the amount of stored data, from 25 to 33.4 GB per layer. While others point to the successor of the DVD will not be an optical disc, but the memory card. However, it is working on the HVD or Holographic Versatile Disc 3.9 TB. The capacity limit on the cards format SD / MMC is now in 128 GB, taking the advantage of being rewritable at least 5 years.

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His competitor and successor to the DVD was the HD DVD, but in February 2008 after the downfall of many support for HD DVD, Toshiba decided to abandon the production of breeding and research to improve its format.

A third format, the HD-VMD, which must also be named, since it is also focused on providing high definition. Its main disadvantage is that it has the support of large companies and is unknown to much of the public. So his main challenge is to offer the same as the other technologies at a more affordable price, so part of the DVD technology (laser red). In the future, when the blue laser technology on reliable and cheap, they plan to adapt to it.

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blu-ray logo wallpaper

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blu-ray wallpaper

blu-ray wallpaper

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