Computer Logo

ATI Technologies Logo

ATI Technologies Logo — ATI Technologies Inc. was one of the largest companies in hardware that designed GPU and graphics cards, was bought by AMD in 2006 but kept its name for some products to exit the series Radeon HD 6000 in 2010. Its market monopolized all kinds of products for graphics processing and multimedia, both for personal computers , such as for portable devices, game consoles, mobile phones and digital television . Its foundation dates from August 20 of 1985 (ATI). The company has been known by several names. Founded calling Array Technology Inc. , but during the first five months was changed to Array Technologies Inc. , on 18 December 1985 was renamed ATI Technologies Inc. , and finally became part of AMDon 25 October 2006.

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AMD is headquartered in Markham , Ontario , in Canada . Its workforce, according to its Web site corporate, is 3,300 direct employees in theAmericas , Europe and Asia . Although the manufacture of products from AMD is mainly in Canada and Taiwan . ATI was founded by Kwok Yuen Ho (born in China), Benny Lau and Lee Lau (both born in Hong Kong ). Ho, the youngest son of a humble family, he had alternated studies with work in the field. He graduated in Electronic Engineering career and began a successful career through businessesPhilips Electronics and Wong’s Electronics Co. Ltd where he gained a great experience, until in 1984 he emigrated to Canada . More

Winamp Logo

Winamp Logo — Winamp is a multimedia player, for the platform Microsoft Windows created on April 21, 1997 and distributed free by the company U.S. Nullsoft, now a subsidiary of Time Warner. Its creator was the programmer and hacker Justin Frankel, although there is currently a team of programmers dedicated to the development of Winamp.

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Winamp is popular, among other things, to use fewer resources during its execution, having a user interface simple and easy to use, besides being one of the first Windows applications to adopt the concept of covers or skins, with which it is can completely change the look of the GUI. Despite not being the first application using this concept, Winamp was one of its greatest exponents and thanks to its initial popularity, many other applications also began to use covers for their interfaces. Currently, most media players for the Windows platform using covers, including the player Microsoft, Windows Media Player. More

Netscape Logo

Netscape Logo — Netscape Communications Corporation is an enterprise software famous as the creator of the web browser Netscape Navigator . It was purchased by AOL in 1999 . The company was founded as Mosaic Communications Corporation on April 4 of 1994 by Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark. It was one of the first companies to work with the nascent World Wide Web . He released a browser called Mosaic Netscape 0.9 on October 13th of 1994 . This browser was subsequently renamed Netscape Navigator .

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The company changed its name to Netscape Communications Corporation on November 14 of 1994 . Microsoft released version 1.0 of Internet Explorer (IE) as part of Pack Plus for Windows 95 , as Spyglass (the developer of Internet Explorer), this was not taken from Netscape as is commonly believed, but Mosaic was a part of it. After this, Microsoft released on a number of IE, and both Netscape and Internet Explorer were adding new features, although these did not always work correctly. More

Intel Core Solo Logo

Download Intel Core Solo Logo — The Intel Core Solo Series is a family of 32-bit microprocessors for computers. They put together with the dual core variant Core Duo , the successor to the Pentium-M CPUs dar.

Intel Core Solo Logo

Intel Core Solo Logo

Intel’s decision to complete replacement of the NetBurst architecture of the Pentium 4 and its derivatives takes the Intel Core 2 . These CPUs have the core for further improvement in Intel Core microarchitecture .

Intel Xeon Logo

Intel Xeon Logo — The Intel Xeon -series based on the Intel P6 architecture is a family of 32-bit microprocessors for servers and workstations . They were the first processors that Intel developed specifically for this market segment.

Intel Xeon Logo

Intel Xeon Logo

They led the Intel brand name Intel Xeon one. The dimensions in comparison to the non-Xeon models big SEC (Single Edge Contact) cartridge of the Pentium II / III Xeon are: 123 x 153 x 19 mm (height x width x depth). More

Intel Celeron Dual-Core Logo

Intel Celeron Dual-Core Logo — As the Celeron dual-core called Intel a family of dual core processors (dual core), as the most cost-effective processors are placed. It is the successor to the Intel Celeron (Core) , the first dual-core processor family of low-priced.

Celeron Dual Core Logo

Celeron Dual Core Logo

Like its predecessor, with only one core and the multi-core processors are based on the Intel Core microarchitecture, only a fraction of the L2 cache of more expensive processors. The Celeron is for 775 offered, based on the Intel Core microarchitecture , supporting Intel 64 . It also supports the processor family, the energy saving feature EIST , which in previous Celeron processors has been disabled. More