Organization Logo


RE/MAX Logo — RE/MAX is an international organization of real estate. It was founded in 1973 by David and Gail Liniger in Denver, Colorado, and is still owned by its founders. It has a network of more than 100,000 agents in over 65 countries with over 7000 offices. The network is composed of more than 70 regions, varying in size from a metropolitan area to an entire country. The network of RE/MAX is described as “a global real estate franchise offices and their own professional and independent members”.

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The company owns several of its own regional franchises, in addition to overseeing the licensing and franchising for real estate offices independently owned and operated. RE/MAX International collects monthly and annual fees of their agents acting as independent contractors working under brokers (owners of the agencies) in many countries. In return, the agency offers various corporate services agents, for example, training and publicity. The brokers have full autonomy to run their businesses adapting to the demands of the regional market. Franchise agreements do not impose the rules for conducting business and can not dictate policy. More

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Greenpeace Logo — Greenpeace is an NGO environmentalist . Founded in the year 1971 in Vancouver , Canada by Dorothy and Irving Stowe, Paul Watson (expelled from Greenpeace and founder of Sea Shepherd ), Marie and Jim Bohlen, Ben and Dorothy Metcalfe and Bob Hunter in protest against U.S. nuclear practice the islands of Amchitka ( Alaska ). Greenpeace takes nonviolent direct actions and research to achieve its objectives.

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Is set to almost everyone, with national and regional offices in over 40 countries. The global organization receives its income through the individual contributions of its partners, and has 4 million members worldwide (according to figures from Greenpeace 2 of year 2005 ). The aim of the NGOecologist is to protect and defend the environment , intervening at different points on the planet when they commit offenses against Nature .Greenpeace has been campaigning to stop climate change , protect biodiversity , to use non- transgenic , reduce pollution , stop the use of nuclear energy and the weapons . More

United Nations Logo

United Nations Logo — The United Nations Organization ( UN ), or just United Nations ( NN. States. ) is the largest international organization exists. Is defined as an association of global governance that facilitates cooperation on issues such as international law , the peace and securityinternationally, economic development and social, humanitarian affairs and human rights . The UN was founded on October 24th of 1945 in San Francisco (California) , for 51 countries, at the end of World War II , with the signing of the Charter of the United Nations .

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From its headquarters in New York , Member States of the United Nations and other related organizations provide advice and decide on significant issues and administrative regular meetings during the year. The UN is structured in various organs, of which the main ones are: General Assembly , Security Council , Economic and Social Council , Secretariat , Trusteeship Council and the International Court of Justice . The main public figure is the UN Secretary General . The current is Ban Ki-moon of South Korea , who took office on January 1 , 2007, replacing Kofi Annan . More

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IOM Logo — The International Organization for Migration is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1951, which deals with the issue of migration. Headquartered in Geneva, has offices in over 100 countries. This is a treaty organization created by sovereign states, however, depends on the United Nations. Currently, Member States are 127 and 18 observers, with the addition of 76 non-governmental organizations. The IOM has a flexible structure and has over 440 offices in over 100 countries.

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IOM is the lead agency in the field of migration and works to help ensure an orderly and humane management of migration, promote international cooperation in the field, assist in finding practical solutions to their problems and provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, whether refugees, displaced persons or other uprooted people. The IOM Constitution explicitly recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural as well as the right to freedom of movement of persons. More


UNEP Logo — United Nations Program for Environment, UNEP based in Nairobi, Kenya, is a program of the United Nations that coordinates the activities related to environment, assisting countries in implementing of appropriate environmental policies and to promote sustainable development. It was created on the recommendation of the United Nations Conference on Human Development (Stockholm — 1972).

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Its mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their life without compromising that of future generations. Its activities cover a wide range of topics, from the atmosphere and ecosystems, land, promotion of environmental science and dissemination of information relating to the issuance of warnings and the ability to respond to emergencies related to environmental disasters. More


UNFPA Logo — The Population Fund United Nations, UNFPA, (English NFPA, United Nations Fund for Population Activities, UNFPA, renamed the United Nations Population Fund in 1987, but kept the acronym) is a specialized agency of the United Nations began sponsoring programs of population policy in 1967. It is the leading international organization in programs reproductive health , mainly birth control, the family planning and the fight against sexually transmitted diseases, especially in underdeveloped countries. Works in over 140 countries on policies to support women and youth.

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It is currently headed by Babatunde Osotimehin. It is one of the subsidiary organs of the General Assembly of the United Nations and is headquartered in New York. It sets as its purpose to support countries in the use of population data for policies and programs to reduce poverty and ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free from AIDS and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. More