Computer Logo

Sun Microsystems Logo

Sun Microsystems Logo — Sun Microsystems was a company computer that was selling computers, computer components, software and services. It was acquired in 2009 by Oracle Corporation , formerly part of Silicon Valley , manufacturer of semiconductors and software .

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It was established in 1982 by German Andreas von Bechtolsheim and Americans Vinod Khosla , Bill Joy , Scott McNealy and Marcel Newman . The letters are derived from SUN ‘ S Tanford U niversity N etwork “, a project created to network the libraries of Stanford University . In that year introduced to the market its first workstation since its inception worked with the protocol TCP / IP , which governs the most of traffic Internet . More

Adobe Logo

Adobe Logo — Adobe Systems Incorporated is a company of software based in San Jose ( California , USA ), founded in December 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke . Stresses in the world of software programs for editing web pages, video and digital imaging integration present in today known as Adobe Creative Suite . Adobe played a significant role in starting the desktop publishing revolution when Apple Computer started using PostScript for LaserWriter printer line in 1985 .

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Adobe got its name from a stream that runs behind the home of one of its founders John Warnock . In the late 80’s, after the Postscript started to become popular, Adobe launched Adobe Illustrator , which soon became one of the essential software for graphics professionals. In the early 90’s, came the first version of Adobe Photoshop would eventually be one of the flagship programs of the company and one of its best sellers. More

Intel Logo

Intel Logo — Intel Corporation is the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits in the world, according to its annual turnover. The company is the creator of the series of processors x86, processors commonly found in most personal computers. Intel was founded on July 18, 1968 as Int egrated The ectronics Corporation (although a common misconception is that “Intel” comes from the word intel ligence) by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and often associated with executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove.

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Intel was founded in Mountain View (California) in 1968 by Gordon E. Moore (chemist and physicist, famous for his “Moore’s Law”) and Robert Noyce (physical and co-inventor of the integrated circuit) when they left Fairchild Semiconductor. Intel’s third employee was Andy Grove, a chemical engineer who led the company through most of 1980 and the period of high growth in 1990. More

HP Logo

HP Logo — Hewlett-Packard, also known as HP, is one of the largest companies in information technology in the world, based in Palo Alto, California. Manufactures and markets hardware and software in addition to providing services for assistance related to computer science. The company was founded in 1939 and was engaged to the manufacture of instruments electronic measuring and laboratory. Today is the leader in selling printers.

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The September 22, 2011 Meg Whitman was named the new president and CEO, replacing in this way to Léo Apotheker. William Hewlett and David Packard were two partners in Stanford University. In the garage of his house 1 built an audio oscillator, an electronic test instrument used by sound engineers. More


VAIO Logo — VAIO is a brand of personal computer manufactured by Sony. The word derives from the concept VAIO “Video Audio Integrated Operation and” (integrated operation of audio and video) with reference to the line multimedia capabilities of computers, but from 2008 refers to Visual Audio Intelligence Organizer (organizer of audio-visual intelligence) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the brand. Within the line of computers under the brand identified Vaio are both desktops and laptops. Within the set of desktop PCs is the VAIO SONY VAIO RB SERIES model and within the set of VAIO notebooks is model VGN-BX540 Sony VAIO VGN-CR140F and, to name just a few examples.

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Overall, the importance of the phenomenon VAIO is that users of these computers have shown great enthusiasm and have developed a sense of belonging, thanks to the many peripherals you own. Sony is expanding the use of the VAIO label. It can now be found in notebooks, desktop computers and a digital music player (VAIO POCKET). The solutions of the network means Sony will also carry the VAIO brand. The high-end portable VAIO incorporate the operating system Microsoft Windows Vista Business and Ultimate Edition, while other models come with Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition, Home Basic, Windows 7 Starter and Windows 7 Home Edition. More

Microsoft Windows Logo

Microsoft Windows Logo — Microsoft Windows is the name of a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft since 1981, when the project was called “Interface Manager” .

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Announced in 1983 , first marketed Microsoft operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an adjunct to MS-DOS in response to growing market interest in a graphical user interface (GUI) that was introduced by other operating systems like Mac OS and other companies like Xerox. 1 At that time, Microsoft got a lease for your operating system with the computer giant, IBM , so that was preinstalled at the factory in most personal computers in the world, which made him the most used and popular. In October 2009, Windows had approximately 91% of the market share of operating systems on client computers that access the Internet. The most recent versions of Windows are Windows 7 for desktop computers , Windows Server 2008 R2 for servers and Windows Phone 7 for mobile devices . More