Women’s Tennis Association Logo

Women’s Tennis Association Logo — Women’s Tennis Association , for short WTA , is the principal organization governing the circuit tournaments and career of tennis women worldwide. For comparison, it is women’s tennis what the ATP men’s tennis. The WTA organizes the schedule and designated the official venues of the tournament the women’s circuit, also called the WTA Tour . In 2005 the WTA changed the name of the WTA Tour by that of The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour due to a sponsorship contract with the firm of Nippon-Swedish mobile phones and accessories, Sony Ericsson .

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The WTA began in Houston , Texas USA. States. on September 23 of 1970 . More

Association of Tennis Professionals Logo

Association of Tennis Professionals Logo — The Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) was established in 1972 with the intent to protect and safeguard the interests of all those male players in tennis . A year later, women formalized the Women’s Tennis Association for the same purpose. Since 1990 , the association has organized the main circuit of men’s tennis worldwide, known as ATP Tour (an evolution of the formats previously called World Championship Tennis ). Since 2009, the above was remodeled, becoming named ATP World Tour . The ATP headquarters is located in London, Great Britain , the American division is based in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, the European resides in Monaco , and finally the one dedicated to the world, including Africa, Asia-Pacific has its base in Sydney , Australia.

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It was inaugurated in 1972 by a group of players and first administered in the persons of Jack Kramer and Cliff Drysdale . The organization soon took on the responsibility to create an official ranking professional tennis players, which began the following year and continues today. In the period between 1974 and 1989, the circuit was commissioned a sub-committee known as Men’s Tennis Council , comprising representatives of the International Tennis Federation , ATP and various tournament directors. More

Dickies Logo

Dickies Logo — Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company , more commonly known as the Dickies brand is a U.S. company based in Fort Worth, Texas, which manufactures and sells work clothes and other accessories such as backpacks, boots with steel toe, and belts. Its main competitors are Ben Davis and Carhartt.

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CN Williamson and EE “Colonel” Dickie began his business career in the “vehicle and harness” business in Bryan, Texas. In 1918, they and some friends created the U.S. Company general.Then in 1922, C. No Williamson joined his father and cousin to buy 100% of the overall company on a one-third of each base and renamed it Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company. More

Finnair Logo

Finnair Logo — Finnair is a carrier of Finland . Its main hub is located in the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport . Finnair and its subsidiary companies dominate the air traffic both internally and externally in Finland. In 2005 the airline carried 8.5 million passengers. Their routes cover about 16 national and 55 international destinations. Finnair has invested heavily in the Asian market and offer many destinations to that area of the world. The company did not suffer any accident since 1963, making it the second safest airline in history.

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Finnair Logo

Finnair is one of the airlines oldest, being founded on November 1st of 1923 . More

Maggi Logo

Maggi Logo — Maggi is a brand from the company Nestlé specializing in the development of instant soup , soups , ketchups and instant noodles . The company was founded by the Maggi family in Switzerland in the year 1872 , and merged with Nestlé later in the year 1947 . The founder of the company was Julius Maggibecame a pioneer of the food industry. The company’s flagship product was the Maggi seasoning ( Maggi-Würze ), served in small bottles that had a similarity with the soy sauce .

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In Spain during the civil war only served their products to the national side, because from the Republican side were unable to get a contract. This is why the birth of the company Gallina Blanca on this side and then to rival it Starlux . (Justus, Baron von Liebig, Darmstadt, now Germany, 1803-Munich, 1873) German chemist who pioneered organic chemistry, the biochemistry and agricultural chemistry, and is therefore considered one of the most eminent scientists of the nineteenth century. He received his Ph.D. in 1822 from the University of Erlangen. A disciple of Gay-Lussac in Paris, was later a professor at the universities of Giessen and Munich. In Giessen revolutionized the teaching of chemistry and created one of the most prestigious research schools.His first significant discovery, the isomerism (different compounds with the same molecular formula), was made ​​with the help of F. Wöhler. He later developed a theory of chemical radicals, and developed a process for the preparation of meat extracts. Interested in chemical issues related to agriculture, in 1840 published a seminal work for the further development of these issues: organic chemistry and its application to agriculture and physiology. More

Lada Logo

Lada Logo — Lada is a trademark Russian (formerly of the former Soviet Union ) of cars . Is a trademark owned by Russian carmaker AvtoVAZ (in Russian ОАО “АвтоВАЗ ‘), formerly called simply VAZ (ВАЗ, Волжский автомобильный завод, Volzhsky Automobillni Zavod ). Lada has always been known for making car models (like those made ​​for the police in Moscow ) cheap, low-power performance and design but limited. Currently AutoVaz models sold in the tradition of the firm but has refined its diseños.LADA mean much in the old Russian, boat or even a representation of old pirate ships roamed the surrounding areas.

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Among the new models are those belonging to the series 110, among these are the 2110 Sedan, 2111 Station Wagon, Hatch Back and 2112. All these models have been baptized differently in various countries: for example in Argentina Sedan 2110 model has been dubbed Afalina while in Venezuela is called Aquarius. Similarly in Greece the model 2112 (Hatch Back) has called Venus 2112, while in Venezuela this model is called Glacial 2112. More