eBay Logo

eBay is an auction site for the product through Internet . It is one of the pioneers in this type of transaction, having been founded in 1995. Since 2002, eBay owns PayPal . From the March 31, 2008 the Executive Director (CEO) of eBay’s John Donahoe .



eBay is a network of auctions over the Internet, most there for now and a leader in this market Anyone can register on the eBay website and buy or sell any of the items available, grouped in a categories. On eBay you can trade a wide variety of products, the only requirement is be a registered user. Operations are performed with 3 main types. More

WordPress Logo

WordPress Logo — WordPress is a content management system focused on the creation of blogs (web sites updated regularly). Developed in PHP and MySQL under GPL and modifiable code, is a founder Matt Mullenweg. WordPress was created from b2/cafelog disappeared and has become next to Movable Type in the most popular CMS blogosphere. The reasons for its tremendous growth include, among others, its license, its ease of use and features such as content manager.

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Another reason to consider about your success and expansion, is the huge community of developers and designers, who are responsible for the general develop or create plugins and themes for the community, being used as of August 2011 by 14.7% of all existing sites on the Internet. More

Jaguar Logo

Jaguar Logo — Jaguar Cars is a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. Founded in 1922 as “Swallow Sidecar Company” by William Lyons, was renamed Jaguar Cars after the Second World War by the unfortunate connotations of the initials, SS. The company now belongs to the automotive industry and Indian Tata Motors. Jaguar is known for its luxury saloons and sports cars , market segments where it has been since the 1930’s.

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The company was independent until it became part of the national company British Motor Corporation in 1966. Surfaced in 1984 as a separate company in the stock market, one of the many privatizations of the Thatcher government — just to be part of Ford in 1989-1990. In 1999 it became part of the new Premier Automotive Group of Ford’s Aston Martin, Volvo and Lincoln. Land Rover was added to the group in 2000 after being sold by BMW. More

Isuzu Logo

Isuzu Logo — Isuzu Motors Ltd. was established in Japan in 1939 and in 1948 it was the largest manufacturer of engines diesel in the country. Today Isuzu is one of the diesel engine manufacturers the world’s largest, with a cumulative production of over 16 million units its engines being preferred by the leading manufacturers of automobiles worldwide for its excellent performance and low power consumption.

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In recent years, the diesel engine has again attracted the attention of drivers for their efficiency and durability. During the past 66 years, Isuzu Motors Ltd. has devoted most of its research and development to this engine, is today recognized as a pioneer in technological innovation. The company currently manufactures about 60 diesel engines from 1,000 to 30,000 cc for a wide variety of industrial uses. Isuzu has a good reputation as a manufacturer of pickup trucks and commercial vehicles. The company has a good level of sales in the markets of North America, China, Middle East and Southeast Asia. More

LinkedIn Logo

LinkedIn Logo — LinkedIn is a website aimed at business, was founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003 (comparable to a service social network ), mainly for professional networking . Founder Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly and Jean-Luc Vaillant.

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In October 2008 , had more than 25 million registered users in March extending to 150 industries. In April 2011 , has more than 100 million registered users, four of more than 200 countries, covering all companies in the Fortune magazine list of the 500 largest U.S. companies. It is followed in a distant second by Viadeo . More

Hyundai Logo

Hyundai Logo — Hyundai is a conglomerate of companies and businesses in South Korea , which was founded in 1947 by Chung Ju-yung. Among the many firms that own the group is the mark of car Hyundai Motor Company, the fourth largest car manufacturer in the world (if one takes into account the numbers of Kia, its subsidiary), and Hyundai Heavy Industries, the manufacturer of ships and the world’s largest machinery.

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The company has been one of the most influential industrial conglomerates in South Korea’s economy. During the Asian financial crisis of 1998, Hyundai has accumulated heavy losses that led him to dismantle the group companies independent. Today is the second chaebol largest behind Samsung. More