Volcom Logo

Volcom Logo — Volcom is a clothing brand from California skate, surf and snowboard who participated in the worldwide dissemination of each of these three sports. The company has three manufacturing locations: the first was that of Los Angeles on 126 La Brea and the other two, recently opened in 2006, in San Diego and Santa Barbara.

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On January 16th of 2008 it was announced that Volcom, Inc. California company bought the sunglasses Electric Visual, worth 25.25 million dollars, which have been adding about 21 million more cash in the next 3 years if you get certain items described in the contract. More

Quiksilver Logo

Quiksilver Logo — Quiksilver, Inc. is an Australian company specializing in the production of material and clothing surf, skate and snowboard. Your logo symbolizes a wave and a mountain, two of the most characteristic nature of two of the sports that is dedicated Quiksilver, the surf and snowboard. The logo is based on “The Great Wave at Kanagawa” by the painter Katsushika Hokusai.

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Quiksilver was founded in 1970, when two surfers were proposed to remain to live in the Australian town of Torquay to start a life and surfing. In 1969 Green swimsuits produced (in the end would Rip Curl) with a loan from his father $ 2,500 the following year he and John form Quiksilver. Green and Law went to work together in designing new outfits for surfers, more resistant suits, with closures Velcro and quick drying, very innovative for its time. Both Green and Law suits proved themselves to the astonished gaze of other surfers who found that it worked. Quiksilver began to carve a name in the area. Jeff Hakman, one of the best surfers of the time these suits thought she saw the future of surfing. In 1976 Hakman left Torquay with a Bells trophy and willing to introduce and distribute Quiksilver in the U.S. market. More

Billabong Logo

Billabong Logo — Billabong is an Australian company clothing surf, skate and snowboard. It is currently one of the giants of the extreme sports industry with Quiksilver and Rip Curl. Billabong The word comes from the native Australians and means oxbow (gap left when a river cuts a short cut or bend) of “Billa”, in English “creek” and Castilian “stream”, and “bong” in English “dead” and Castilian “dead”.

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billabong logo

Billabong was founded in 1973 and was founder Gordon Merchant. The company started manufacturing swimsuits to practice surf swimsuits for professional as well as leisure. Given the good results and great local reputation was forged in 1977, Billabong started making various types of clothing such as shirts surf influence or pants. In 1983 the Australian company in the U.S. market broke precedents in 1985 in New Zealand, in 1987 in Europe and 2001 in Latin America with Brazil as the main country of distribution. More

Yahoo Logo

Yahoo Logo — Yahoo! Inc. is a global media company based in the United States , whose mission is “to be the service most essential global Internet for consumers and businesses.” It has a portal of Internet , a web directory and a range of services, including the popular Yahoo! email. It was founded in January of 1994 by two graduate students at Stanford University, Jerry Yang and David Filo . Yahoo! was incorporated as a company on 2 Marchof 1995 and began trading on the stock exchange on 12 April of 1996 . The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA. On February 1 of 2008 , Microsoft made an unsolicited bid to buy Yahoo for 44,600 million U.S. $ , offer after the company rejected it, arguing that detracts from the amount the firm.

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On July 29, 2009, it was announced that in 10 years, Microsoft will have full access to the Yahoo search engine for use in future projects Microsoft search engine for Bing . Yahoo! initially was called “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web” (Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web), but soon changed its name to Yahoo! There are several versions about the origin of the name Yahoo!: version circulating in the real corporate Yahoo! Sunnyvale , California is that it comes from the name of a character from the book Gulliver’s Travels of Jonathan Swift , the Yahoos . The story goes that the house of David Filo, co-founder of Yahoo!, the father of this David and Jerry called “a couple of Yahoos” for his restless nature and they decide to use the name for its portal Yahoo!. In the book of Swift, a Yahoo is a wild creature, dirty and unpleasant habits, resembling human beings too. Other versions say that Yahoo! is just an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle” . More

Yamaha Logo

Yamaha Logo — Yamaha Corporation is a Japanese with a wide range of products and services, above all, musical instruments and electronics.Founded in 1890 as a factory for pianos and harmoniums by Torakusu Yamaha as Nippon Gakki Company, Limitedin Hamamatsu , Shizuoka Prefecture , and is the October 12th of 1897 . The origin of this company as a musical instrument factory is still reflected in the logo of the group, formed by three forks crossed.

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The production of musical instruments is diversifying and increasing quality. In 1930 Yamaha created the first research room acoustics in the world, and in 1931 its engineers review the acoustics of the new building of the Japanese Diet . Because of its timber handling experience during the war is engaged in manufacturing propellers for aircraft wood, then metal. After World War II the company president, Genichi Kawakami decided to give it a new use for the equipment acquired during the war and used the ability of the metals company to start building motorcycles. The YA-1 (alias Akatombo, the “Red Dragonfly”) of which 125 were made ​​in the first year of construction ( 1954 ) were named after the founder of the company. Urban bike was a 125 cc engine, single cylinder, two stroke, inspired by the German DKW RT 125 (which also inspired the Bantam of the English company of ammunition BSA , and the Harley-Davidson Hummer ). In 1955 , the success of the YA-1 brought the founding of Yamaha Motor Corporation . More

Mirinda Logo

Mirinda Logo — Mirinda is a beverage gas originally created in Spain but worldwide distribution, available in a variety of fruit flavors: orange, grapefruit, apple, strawberry (strawberry), pineapple (pineapple), and grapes. The name means “wonderful, beautiful” in the language Esperanto, spoken by the creator of the drink. Although the number of varieties, the orange flavor is probably the most encompassing global sales of Mirinda. However in some areas, Mirinda is the name most commonly associated with another flavor and northern Argentina, where Mirinda apple flavor is the most accepted.

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Mirinda is available in several Spanish-speaking countries, including Bolivia, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Venezuela. In Spain sold in Madrid, Murcia and the Canary Islands. Is also Zealand, Malta, the China, Malaysia, Singapore, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Thailand, Serbia, Pakistan, Montenegro, and the United States. It is also commonly found in Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon. In Italy is known as Slam. More