Computer Logo

Intel Celeron Logo

Intel Celeron Logo — With the processor Intel Celeron based on the NetBurst architecture led Intel 2002 with the Intel Celeron based on the P6 architecture continues begun way to offer the low price segment processors under its own brand name. As part of the equipment of all Intel microprocessors with a model number , this series was by the Intel Celeron D replaced.

Intel Celeron Logo

Intel Celeron Logo

The Intel Celerons have a smaller L2 cache , a low-clocked front side bus and are usually only available with lower clock speeds than their Intel Pentium 4s . Thus, the performance of these CPUs is very limited, reducing the production costs but lower the selling price. More

Intel Pentium III Logo

Intel Pentium III Logo — The Pentium III is imagined in February 1999, x86 -compatible microprocessor from Intel , a close relative of his predecessor Pentium II . The biggest difference between the two processors is also present in the SSE -unit for fast floating point operations. In addition to the Pentium III series there is a reasonable model on the same architecture Intel Celeron (P6) for the low price segment.

Pentium 3 logo

Pentium 3 logo

The Pentium III has a permanent unique 96-bit serial number that allows it to track the Internet activities such as shopping habits, etc.,. After initial violent controversy and calls for a boycott of the serial number has been switched off by default. Shortly afterwards turned out, however, that they can be read without user consent. The successor to Intel Pentium 4 was therefore again dispense with the function . More

MSI Logo

MSI Logo — Micro-Star International , or mostly known by its acronym MSI is one of the largest computer companies in the world. It is dedicated to the manufacture of hardware and equipment for micro- electronics .In 1986 a small group of employees founded the company, for the manufacture of the first computers. Later manufactured motherboards or motherboards, video cards (graphics cards), the company was founded in Taipei, Taiwan.

msi logo

msi logo

In 2001 , founded a branch in Shenzhen , China , in order to increase production and profits. Later, in 2003 , another branch was established in Kunshan , as its development center and research. Currently still manufacturing base cards, notebooks , servers , video cards , but with chipsets also known brand of ATI and NVIDIA in these cards. It also has branches in countries like U.S. , Germany , France , Netherlands , England , Australia , Japan , South Korea , Poland , Russia , Canada , India , Argentina , Brazil and others. More

Intel Pentium 4 Logo

Intel Pentium 4 Logo — The Intel Pentium 4 is a microprocessor of the seventh x86 -generation. The first Pentium 4, code-named Willamette ran at clock speeds of 1.4 and 1.5 GHz , and came in November 2000 on the market. The Pentium 4 with the new NetBurst architecture had compared to the older P6 design of the Pentium III in terms of integer and floating point performance in only minor improvements. Instead, they had focused on two things: high clock frequencies, have been aggressively promoted, and SSE performance.

pentium 4 logo original

pentium 4 logo original

The Pentium 4 is available, as has occurred in the older Pentium families, even in a low-cost version called Celeron , and in a version called Xeon , the symmetric multi-processing support. For better delineation of the Celeron versions of the Pentium II and Pentium III, Pentium 4, derived from the variant is often referred to as Celeron fourth Newer models with Prescott core are called Celeron D sold. As a special feature Intel still had a Pentium 4 Extreme Edition in the program, as the high-end CPU with AMD’s Athlon 64 FX is positioned. The developed based on the NetBurst architecture, dual-core CPUs under the name Pentium D or Pentium Extreme Edition sold. More

Intel Atom Logo

Intel Atom Logo — Intel Atom are microprocessors from Intel that are designed for particularly cost-effective and energy-saving systems. They are based on the Intel Atom microarchitecture and are including in sub-notebooks , mobile Internet devices and the like are used, but they are also more common in low server solutions are used. You are using an x86 instruction set , from the second generation (Diamondville called) is an x64 instruction set has been completed.

Intel Atom Logo

Intel Atom Logo

Some of the Atom processors have a very effective power-saving mechanisms by which the very low power consumption can be reduced further at idle. In addition to the now standard on virtually all processors SpeedStep there is a further saving mode in complete inactivity. This differs from the battery life on an Atom based netbooks for example, between reading and writing of texts. For other processors, this amount of activity shows no effect. More

Wi-Fi Logo

Wi-Fi Logo — Wi-Fi is a mechanism for connecting electronic devices on a LAN . Devices enabled with Wi-Fi, such as a PC, game console, a smartphone or a digital audio player can connect to the Internet through an access point wireless network . This access point (or hotspot ) has a range of about 20 meters (65 feet) indoors and outdoors a greater distance. They can cover large areas of multiple overlapping access points. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance (formerly WECA : Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance ), the trade organization that adopts tests and certifies that it meets the standard 802.11 wireless networks related to local area.

blue wifi logo

blue wifi logo

This new technology arose from the need to establish a wireless connection mechanism was consistent between different aparatos.Buscando that compatibility was that in 1999, companies 3Com, Aironet , Intersil , Lucent Technologies , Nokia and Symbol Technologies met to create the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance WECA , now called Wi-Fi Alliance. The purpose of it was to appoint a brand that would allow more easily promote wireless technology and ensure compatibility of equipment. Thus, in April 2000 WECA certifies the interoperability of equipment according to standard IEEE 802.11b , under the brand Wi-Fi. This means that the user is assured that all computers that have Wi-Fi seal can work together seamlessly, regardless of manufacturer of each of them. You can get a complete list of equipment that are certified Wi-Fi Alliance — Certified Products . More