ASN Bank Logo — ASN Bank or Savings Bank General for the Netherlands is a Dutch Bank , an autonomous subsidiary of SNS REAAL . ASN Bank is distinguished by a focus on responsible and sustainable banking and therefore supports projects that focus on corporate social responsibility .

ASN Bank Logo

ASN Bank Logo

ASN Bank was founded on 1 May 1960 by the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (NVV, which later merged into the current FNV ) and the insurance company the Central (now REAAL ). Until the 1990s, it was possible to a Postbank account a savings account (Star Plus Account or Account) to couple who ran the ASN, the Postbank were called this union savings accounts.

ASN Bank is the largest bank in the Netherlands in the field of sustainable investing and saving. ASN shows since the creation of Fair Banking Guide on all criteria good, but at least enough to score. In addition, ASN (next Triodos ) in 2011 by the Consumers’ Association was named the most customer-friendly bank in the Netherlands. ASN is very active on social media as Twitter and Facebook .

Since early 2009, it is possible to ASN a checking account to open. Since the bankruptcy of DSB Bank , ASN together with its parent company the only Dutch bank SNS provides that interest on a payment. Internet banking may ASN up to 25000 euros per day be made. This limitation can be increased for 5 days to 100000 euros, but that must have two days in advance requested. A permanent increase of the daily limit is not possible. The parent company SNS is that option is offered. This seems ASN therefore to focus on the less-affluent consumers.

The ASN has during the last years a rapid growth. , The number of customers at the end of 2007, 363,000; in September 2010 opened the 500,000 th customer account with the ASN. End of 2010 there were 517,000 [4] . Also the power that was entrusted to the bank, rose rapidly: In 2002, the amount of one billion euros achieved; in 2008, reached the 5 billion, in 2009 the 7.5 billion end of 2010 was nearly 9.4 billion .

ASN Bank works since 1991 together with Oxfam , as interest partner donations which customers of the bank can pay interest directly. In 1996, the ASN-Novib Fund was established, which focuses on microfinance and small loans in developing countries . In June 2008, were (the customers) ASN Bank projects include Oxfam against child support. On 28 September 2009, a new partnership agreement which the parties commit themselves to each other even more support in terms of knowledge and marketing.

ASN Bank logo

ASN Bank logo