Banana Republic Logo — Banana Republic is an eccentric American store chain founded originally as a shop for clothes for travel, and currently specializes in the production of luxury clothing and accessories. The corporation is part of fashion Gap .Although it is a company dedicated to the production of fashion with a differential nature, with an aura of exclusivity itself, its products are not particularly expensive or aimed at an audience with high purchasing power, but rather to an urban public and independent, with some economic freedom, which can not afford excessive expenditure on accessories and fashion accessories that give character to the image diferenciativo staff, fleeing the luxury or exclusivity itself, and focusing on quality and production of collections not accessible to all the world, unlike Zara .
In its initial catalogs of the late 70 used to submit articles extremely exclusive , high-end in the fashion world, with stories of exotic places, often fictitious, articles and more accessible to the public deliberately integrated to achieve the above a crescendo in the image of these. The company had as its main competitor at the time the fashion catalog J. Peterman appearing in comic strips Seinfeld .
The dressing of the first stores intended to attract customer’s attention to an approach stressing environments adventure and safari based on the use of special effects, with jeeps and trees real jungle, smoke soot and vaporization of water in the windows, which endowed caráter stores a Hollywood certainly.