Bluetooth Logo — Bluetooth is an industrial specification for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) that transmits voice and data between devices via a link by radiofrequency in the ISM band of 2.4 GHz . The main objectives to be achieved this standard are:

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo

  • Facilitate communications between mobile and fixed.
  • Eliminate cables and connectors between them.
  • Offer the possibility of creating small wireless networks and facilitate the synchronization of data between personal computers.

The most common devices that use this technology are in areas of telecommunications and computer personnel, such as PDAs , mobile phones , laptops , personal computers , printers or digital cameras .

The name comes from King Danish and Norwegian Harald Blåtand , whose translation into English would be Harold Bluetooth, known for good communicator and unify the tribes Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. The literal translation into Spanish is “blue tooth”, although the term was used to denote Danish Blåtand that was “dark complexion” and not “blue tooth”.

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo