Bank and Finance Logo

Accenture Logo

Accenture Logo — Accenture Limited is a multinational company engaged in the provision of consulting, technology services and outsourcing. It was incorporated in Hamilton, Bermuda, although the day May 26 of 2009 was announced the approval by the executive committee of the transfer of its headquarters to Ireland. The magazine Fortune included it in its list of the 500 largest companies in income levels, and has over 200,000 employees in 120 countries. In the fiscal year ended August 31, 2010, the company reported net income of 23,090 million U.S. dollars.

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The brand Accenture was created in 2001, after leaving the name Andersen Consulting because of the dispute remained with the parent company Andersen Worldwide and the discrediting of its slope auditor Arthur Andersen, involved in financial scandal Enron, which led to the cessation of its activities. More

Goldman Sachs Logo

Goldman Sachs Logo — The Goldman Sachs Group (The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.) or simply Goldman Sachs (GS) is a group of investment banking and securities world’s largest. It was founded in 1869. During the financial crisis of 2008 U.S. and the possibility of facing bankruptcy, the 21 September of 2008, Goldman Sachs received approval from the Federal Reserve (FED) to stop being an investment bank and become a commercial bank.

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Among his former employees are three Secretaries of the Treasury United States, including Henry Paulson, who served under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Fischer Black, author of the formula of Black-Scholes, whose work was awarded the Nobel in economics, Romano Prodi twice Prime Minister of Italy and President of the European Commission or the current president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi. More

AIG Logo

AIG Logo — American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a global leader in insurance services and financial. Its network spans more than 130 countries. Her clients are individuals, institutions and companies. In the United States AIG is the largest player in the field of commercial and industrial insurance. Listed on the exchanges of New York, Zurich, Paris and Tokyo. On September 17th of 2008, the Federal Reserve bought U.S. American International Group, acquired 79.9% of its assets and granted a loan of 85,000 million dollars to avoid bankruptcy, the largest economic intervention of the Federal Reserve in its 100 year history. Notably, the company sponsored the English football club Manchester United FC.

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AIG was founded in 1919 by Cornelius Vander Starr in Shanghai. Soon spans Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. On the death of its founder and until 2005 is led by Maurice R. Greenberg (who resigned to inflate AIG’s accounts), replaced by Martin J. Sullivan. More

Standard Chartered Logo

Standard Chartered Logo — Standard Chartered Bank is a bank Britain with headquarters in London, with operations in more than seventy countries. operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures ) and employs 73,000 people.

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Despite its British base, has few customers in the UK and 90% of its profits come from Asia, Africa and Middle East. Because the bank’s history is intertwined with the development of the British Empire, its operations are predominantly in the former British colonies, although in the last two decades has expanded to countries that have historically had little British influence. Its aim is to provide a regulatory bridge between these developing economies. Currently focuses on consumers, corporate and institutional banking, and the provision of treasury services in which the Group had particular strength and experience. More

American Express Logo

American Express Logo — American Express Company, commonly known as Amex or AmEx, is a financial institution based in New York, has more than 1,700 offices in over 130 countries worldwide. The magazine Fortune puts it at number 74 in world ranking of the largest companies. Among their offerings are the credit cards, traveler checks, insurance, brokerage services and online banking, the latter two supervised by the American Express Bank.

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american express logo

AmEx began operations in Buffalo, United States, on March 18 of 1850 as a rail service carrying charges and values ​​throughout the territory of the United States. Due to the increasing demand for these services, quickly and safely, AmEx began to focus on financial services which gave a much more secure in the business of those times. Due to the success, AmEx began service of twists and travelers checks. Marcellus Berry, an employee of American Express created the draft or “Money Order” in 1882, Travel Voucher precursor was an absolute necessity for both domestic and international travelers. More


HSBC Logo — HSBC Holdings plc, for its acronym in English (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) is one of the largest organizations of banking and financial world. (Rank #1 on Forbes 2008.) Has its headquarters in London. This bank is the second largest global actions. Their results are published in U.S. dollars because 80% of its revenues come from outside the United Kingdom. About 22% of their income is due to operations in Hong Kong, where his headquarters until 1991.

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The HSBC logo, known as the hexagon comes from the flag of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation nineteenth century. This flag is derived from the cross of St. Andrew of the Scottish flag. With significant operations in retail, commercial, corporate and investment and insurance business, the Group has more than 10,000 offices in 82 countries territories in Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa and the Americas. More