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Showtime Logo

Showtime Logo — Showtime is a brand of cable TV (premium) distributed in several countries, mainly in the United States. The group of U.S. channels Showtime brand has gained international prestige due to the quality and the transgression of their series. Showtime, originally a service of Viacom, aired on July 1, 1976, was for the first time in a local cable system in Dublin, California. His first program was Celebration, a special concert with Rod Stewart, Pink Floyd and ABBA.

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On March 7, 1978, Showtime expanded national market TelePrompTer, which competes with HBO and other pay cable networks. In 1979, Viacom sold 50% of Showtime to TelePrompTer. In 1982, Westinghouse, who had acquired TelePrompTer the previous year, sold his share of Showtime back to Viacom. In 1983, Viacom and Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment merged Showtime and The Movie Channel to form Showtime / The Movie Channel, Inc. (which later was called Showtime Networks, Inc.). In 1984 saw the release of the first original movie Showtime, The Ratings Game, starring and directed by Danny DeVito. In 1985, Viacom acquired the Warner Showtime / TMC, becoming the sole owner of Showtime, again. More

Dish Network Logo

Dish Network Logo — Dish Network Corporation is the second largest provider of pay television in the United States, service providing direct broadcast satellite, including satellite television, audio programming, and interactive television services, to 14.337 million of residential and commercial customers in the United States. Dish Network has approximately 24,500 employees, most of which are located within the U.S. The corporate office is located in Meridian, Colorado, though the postal designation Englewood is used in the email address of the company.

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EchoStar Satellite LLC was founded in 1980 by Charles Ergen, his wife Candy, and his friend Jim DeFranco, as a distributor of equipment for satellite television. Was officially relaunched as EchoStar DISH Network in March 1996. This revival came after the successful launch of its first satellite, EchoStar I, in December 1995 and marked the beginning of television services subscription offered by the company. Since then, the company has launched numerous satellites, with 14 satellites in its own fleet leased from April 2011. More

DirecTV Logo

DirecTV Logo — The television system DirecTV is a direct broadcast service live satellite based in El Segundo, California, which transmits digital television and audio channels including Radio by satellite to television fixed United States and Latin America in which customers are signed and have a decoder and satellite dish receiver Directv. The DirecTV system is owned by the company DirecTV Group, a company which in 2005 acquired all of DIRECTV Latin America. In the United States compete against Dish Network.

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Since December 2005 DirecTV Group is an equity partner of Sky Mexico and Sky Brazil, Sky is therefore considered in the Latin American division of DIRECTV Group. Currently SKY Brazil is operated by the company Globo Comunicações e Participacoes, SA which has a 7% stake in DirecTV Group and which has a 93% stake. Meanwhile SKY Mexico is operated by the company Televisa has 58.7% of the shares and DirecTV Group, which owns 41.3% of the shares. More


MSNBC Logo — MSNBC is an American news channel broadcast on Cable 24 hours a day. Its name comes from the combination of Microsoft and NBC. Is currently considered the third channel of its kind in hearing in the United States, after FOX News and CNN. It is available for a population of about 83.6 million households in the United States and emits mainly from studios in Secaucus, New Jersey.

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It was founded by Microsoft and the unit NBC from General Electric in 1996. In late December 2005, Microsoft announced a plan to sell its shareholding in the chain to NBC Universal, which will, within two years, with 100% of the shares of the company. In March of 2009 signed an alliance with the news channel Chilean 24 Hours (owned by the state television TVN), which began broadcasting on 4 March. With this partnership we are faced with CNN, who exactly two months before transmissions had opened its local subsidiary CNN Chile. More


ESPN Logo — ESPN, Inc. (which comes from the abbreviation in English of Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, now in disuse), is a company of cable television and satellite (inter alia) based in the United States dedicated to the issue of programming related to the sport. The current owner is the ESPN television network in the United States ABC, in turn controlled by The Walt Disney Company. Its headquarters and digital center is located in Bristol, Connecticut in United States.

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ESPN was conceived by Bill Scott, and Rasmussen supported by Ed Eagan. Bill was passionate about the sport during his life, was fired from his job as communications manager for the Hartford Whalers in 1978. During his stay with the team Rasmussen met with Eagan, showing great interest in riding a race on television. Bill Eagan approached with the idea of a monthly cable program covering sports in Connecticut and was curious to see if the Hartford Whalers were interested in being the protagonists of the series. More

Newsweek Logo

Newsweek Logo — Newsweek is a magazine for news of weekly occurrence. It is published in New York and is distributed in the United States. It is the second largest weekly magazine distributed in the States, having been in that position behind the magazine Time throughout its existence (except for a brief period, which exceeded its advertising revenue). However, their diffusion is higher than that of U.S. News & World Report.

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Originally called “News-Week”, was founded by Thomas JC Martyn on February 17 of 1933. That number included seven photographs of the week’s news on its front page. Over time extended the concept of news magazine, from personal stories to the analysis and criticism. In 1961 The Washington Post Company bought the magazine. More