Organization Logo


UNIDO Logo — The Organization of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO, was established by the General Assembly in 1966 as a body to promote and accelerate the industrialization in developing countries. It is also known in its acronym in English: UNIDO. The specialized agency took shape in 1979 but became a fully autonomous body on 1 January of 1986.

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The UNIDO promotes cooperation between industrialized and developing countries to accelerate industrial development, stimulating activities for the promotion of investment and technology transfer. The industrialized and developing countries jointly examine ways to accelerate industrialization by encouraging the participation of the government sector and industry. Based on surveys and studies, UNIDO creates and refines concepts and development approaches, contributes to making the plans public, cooperative and private sectors, including the encouragement of cooperation between companies interested in these sectors. More

ILO Logo

ILO Logo — The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with matters relating to labor and labor relations. It was founded on April 11th of 1919, as part of negotiations on the Treaty of Versailles. Its constitution, adopted in 1919, is complemented by the Declaration of Philadelphia of 1944.

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The ILO has a government tripartite, composed of representatives of governments, trade unions and employers. Its supreme body is the International Conference, which meets annually in June. Its governing body is the Board of Directors which meets quarterly. The Governing Body is the executive body of the ILO and meets three times a year in Geneva. Takes decisions on ILO policy and establishes the program and budget are then submitted to the Conference for approval. It also elects the Director General. In 2003 he was reelected to office Chilean Juan Somavia. The headquarters is in Geneva (Switzerland). In 1969 the ILO received the Nobel Peace Prize. It is composed by 184 nation states (2012). Has no power to punish governments. More

United States Marine Corps Logo

United States Marine Corps Logo — The Marine Corps of the United States is a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States responsible for providing force projection from Tues , using the mobility of the Navy U.S. to rapidly deploy combined arms forces. In the structure of civilian leadership of the army of the United States Marine Corps is a component of the Navy often work closely with the Navy. However, in the military leadership structure of the Marine Corps is a separate branch.

United States Marine Corps Logo

United States Marine Corps Logo

The Captain Samuel Nicholas formed two battalions of Continental Marines on November 10 of 1775 in Philadelphia as Marines . Since then, the mission of the Marine Corps has evolved with changing military doctrine and American foreign policy . The Marine Corps served in every American armed conflict and attained prominence in the twentieth century . They are the cornerstone of the Pacific campaign of World War II . mid-twentieth century, the Marine Corps had become the dominant theorist and practitioner of amphibious warfare . Your ability to respond quickly to regional crises gives an important role in the implementation and execution of U.S. foreign policy. More

CIA Logo

CIA Logo — The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA Central Intelligence Agency), together with the National Security Agency , the government agency of the United States responsible for the collection, analysis and use of ” intelligence “through espionage abroad, and whether governments, corporations or individuals that may affect national security. The agency conducts covert operations and paramilitary actions, and influences foreign policy through its operating line, the Special Activities Division . Its headquarters is located in Langley , Virginia .

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CIA Logo

Before December of 2004 , the CIA was literally the central intelligence organization for the United States government. The Minutes of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 created the office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), who took charge of some part of the government and the intelligence community (IC) in any role that had previously been targeted for the CIA. The National Intelligence Directorate manages the United States Intelligence Community United States as well as the intelligence cycle. More

FBI logo

FBI logo — Federal Bureau of Investigation in March is the principal research arm of the Department of Justice of the United States .
The FBI’s headquarters are located in Washington, DC , and there are 56 local offices located in major U.S. cities and over 400 resident agencies in smaller cities and towns across the nation, and more than 50 offices international calls ” diplomacy Legal “in U.S. embassies several countries.

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Article 28 of the United States Code , Section 533, authorizes the Attorney General to “appoint officials to discover crimes … against the United States,” other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility investigate specific crimes. Currently, the FBI has jurisdiction for investigating violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes, thus becomes the largest federal law enforcement agency in the world. The Top Ten most wanted suspects has been used since 1949 to notify the public about the most dangerous fugitives. More

US Navy Logo

US Navy Logo — The Army or Navy of the United States (United States Navy), also known as USN or U.S. Navy, is a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States responsible for carrying out operations naval. Its main function is to “maintain, train and equip for combat naval forces capable of achieving the victory of the war, responding to aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas”. As of May 2010, the Navy has 330,729 troops to 102,923 active and reserve, has 289 ships and over 3,500 aircraft.

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The Navy has its origins in the Continental Army, which was established after the Revolutionary War and was disbanded shortly thereafter. The constitution is the legal basis for providing a “Force of the Seas”, giving Congress the power to “create and maintain a navy.” The attacks on U.S. ships by pirates of Barbary forced Congress to use this power ordering the construction of six frigates. The USN entered the world stage in the twentieth century, especially during World War II. This was part of the conflict as an improvement to flaunt U.S. Army-The attack on Pearl Harbor — the official surrender of Japan on the USS Missouri. The United States had other subsequent conflict, the Cold War, which was improved for possible nuclear war with the Soviet Union. More