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Organization Logo


NASA Logo — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the civilian and military U.S. federal agency for aviation and aerospace . NASA was on the 29th Founded in July 1958. The NASA Headquarters is located in Washington, DC ( NASA Headquarters , 300 E Street SW).

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NASA called her vision “to improve life here, extend the life outside and life as to find out” . Hence the mission “to understand our home planet and protect the universe to explore and search for life and to inspire the next generation of researchers ” . In February 2006, NASA emphasized the protection of soil from their mission statement to allow the by then-President George W. Bush announced to harmonize space flight program. More

World Wildlife Fund Logo

World Wildlife Fund Logo — WWF — World Wildlife Fund (Worldwide Fund for Nature ) is the largest organization conservationist independent of the world . Its mission is to stop the degradation of the environment ‘s natural world and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature: Conserving biodiversity in the municipality.

World Wildlife Fund Logo

World Wildlife Fund Logo

Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources renewable. Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. WWF has about 5 million members and a worldwide network of 27 national organizations, 5 associates and 22 offices of programs, working in over 100 countries. The international headquarters is located in Switzerland and address to Latin America , in the United States . The organization has played a key role in the evolution of movement environmentalist international role continues in full growth and development. More

WHO Logo

WHO Logo — The World Health Organization (WHO), is the agency of the United Nations Organization (UN) specialized in managing policies for prevention, promotion and intervention in health worldwide. Initially organized by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that prompted the writing of the first statutes of the WHO. The first WHO meeting held in Geneva in 1948.

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The 193 member states of the WHO is governed by the World Health Assembly. The Assembly is composed of representatives of all WHO Member States. In 2009, the institution was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation. More

Unesco Logo

Unesco Logo — The Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Founded on November 16 of 1945 with the aim of contributing to peace and security in the world through education, science, culture and communications. The constitution signed that day came into force on 4 November of 1946, ratified by twenty countries is based in Paris, and its current CEO is Irina Bokova, a national of Bulgaria. UNESCO has 195 Member States and 8 associate members.

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It is dedicated to guiding people in a more effective management of their own development through natural resources and cultural values, and in order to modernize and advance to the nations of the world, without thereby miss the identity and cultural diversity. Unesco has a vocation pacifist, and among many things is directed more particularly to support literacy. In education, the agency gives priority to the achievement of elementary education adapted to current needs. Collaborate with teacher training, family planners and housing, educational administrators and encourages the building of schools and provision of equipment necessary for operation. More

Unicef Logo

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Unicef Logo — The United Nations Fund for Children and UNICEF was created by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1946 to help the children of Europe after the Second World War . It was first known as Unicef ​​, an acronym for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund , or (in Spanish , International Emergency Fund United Nations Children’s Fund). In 1953 , UNICEF became a permanent body within the system of United Nations , responsible for helping children and protect their rights . His name was reduced to United Nations Fund for Children ( United Nations Children’s Fund ), but kept the acronym UNICEF for which he is known so far. More