World Wildlife Fund Logo — WWF — World Wildlife Fund (Worldwide Fund for Nature ) is the largest organization conservationist independent of the world . Its mission is to stop the degradation of the environment ‘s natural world and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature: Conserving biodiversity in the municipality.

World Wildlife Fund Logo

World Wildlife Fund Logo

Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources renewable. Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. WWF has about 5 million members and a worldwide network of 27 national organizations, 5 associates and 22 offices of programs, working in over 100 countries. The international headquarters is located in Switzerland and address to Latin America , in the United States . The organization has played a key role in the evolution of movement environmentalist international role continues in full growth and development.

Among its members include organizations of the United Nations , the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ), Traffic, the European Commission , and funding organizations such as USAID and the World Bank, with which WWF has formed an alliance to promote the forest on the planet . Today is also associated with Microsoft Game Studios and Blue Fang Games on the popular game Zoo Tycoon 2 , the latter donated $ 100,000 on the sale of each of the expansions of the game, promoting the conservation of species.

In 2000, the World Wildlife Fund sued the World Wrestling Federation (now World Wrestling Entertainment) for unfair business practices. Both sides had shared the initials “WWF” since late 1979. The organization claimed that the company wrestling had violated a 1994 agreement concerning the international use of the initials WWF.

On August 10, 2001, a British court ruled in favor of World Wildlife Fund. The World Wrestling Federation filed an appeal in October 2001. However, the May 5, 2002, the World Wrestling Federation changed its Web address to, then replace all references to “WWF” in the current site with “WWE”, as a prelude to evolution of the company’s name “World Wrestling Entertainment.” Their actions also changed switching symbol WWF to WWE.

The abandonment of the initials did not end the legal disputes of the two organizations. Later, in 2002, the World Wildlife Fund asked the court $ 360 million in damages, but the wrestling company prevailed. A subsequent request to withdraw by the World Wildlife Fund was dismissed by the English Court of Appeal on June 28, 2007. In 2003, World Wrestling Entertainment Limited won a ruling that allowed them to continue the marketing of certain existing products with the logo of WWF. However, the wrestling company was recently forced to issue brand merchandise such as clothing, action figures, video games and DVDs with the initial “WWE”. In addition, the court order requiring the removal of the company both spoken and visual references of the logo “WWF” in your library of video images (which spans several decades) outside the United Kingdom.

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wwf logo

World Wildlife Fund Logo Panda

World Wildlife Fund Logo Panda