Game Boy Logo – Game Boy is a series of portable game machines powered by batteries (except for model SP and Micro) and marketed by Nintendo. It is one of the most sold to date. Began as an experimental model of partial console, and in its first year it sold relatively poorly (Mega Drive from SEGA, for example, sold 2 million consoles her first year on the market), around 4 million units worldwide. However, with the arrival of the phenomenon Tetris and the great support of licensees working for NES and Super Nintendo (Capcom, Konami, Enix / Quintet, Namco, Culture Brain, Jaleco, Interplay, Ocean, Square …) sales soared. Among the classical model and the version with color, were sold 118.69 million units.

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game boy logo

The Game Boy Advance end more than 81.51 million. In total, over 200 million systems under the brand ‘Game Boy’ have sold since the early 90’s until the mid-first decade of the century. The other Nintendo handheld, the Nintendo DS has sold since its launch in late 2004 to December 2008 more than 90 million units, renewing the success of Nintendo’s handheld market.

The Game Boy was called in its prototype phase Dot Matrix Game or DMG, name it retained its number records division model developed by Intelligent Systems headed by Gunpei Yokoi and released on April 21 of 1989 in Japan. There are thousands of games available for the Game Boy, which can be attributed in part to his impressive sales, a well-documented design and a short development cycle. The original Game Boy has just over 500 games released between June 1989 and September 2001.

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game boy logo wallpaper

game boy advance logo

game boy advance logo

game boy

game boy