iTunes Logo — iTunes is a media player and store multimedia content developed by Apple to play, organize and synchronize iPods , iPhones , iPads and buy music. Compatible with PC-based operating systems Mac OS X , Windows 2000 , Windows XP , Windows Vista and Windows 7 . Some early versions of iTunes also work with Mac OS 9 . Statistically, it is the player most used by users of players iPod , iPhone , iPad .

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iTunes is a system based on SoundJam MP, a popular application for MP3 , the company created by Casady & Greene. Apple bought the rights to SoundJam MP and soon released the first version of iTunes, which was very similar to SoundJam MP. On December 13, 2011 the store was launched in 16 Latin American countries including Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Chile and Peru among others.

Version 4 of iTunes introduced the iTunes Music Store from which iTunes users can purchase and download songs for a limited use of computers and an unlimited number of iPods. iTunes Store is fully integrated with iTunes and purchased tracks are protected by DRM system FairPlay digital rights management from Apple. On February 22 of 2006 more than 1 billion songs were downloaded since the service launched an April 28 of 2003.

Those who use other operating system other than Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows , such as Linux , can not use music purchased from the iTunes Store, and is not available for Linux version of iTunes. This has resulted in the development of a number of alternative players as well as different forms have been published that allow users of the iTunes Store using your own audio software or operating system. The most notable is PyMusique , which Apple has made ​​several attempts to block but has not succeeded. Programs like Hymn or Tunebite has also been developed to decipher the purchased music to be reproduced or shared with other programs. However, this software is illegal in some countries.

IPod owners in the U.S. market are taken only once, in the iTunes Store when you first connect to the service, to a page which currently offers free sample albums Lava and Atlantic Records and of which you can download the complete album or individual songs. A sample album of Universal Records was available and can still be accessed through a special link on the page.

With version 7.0 ( September 12 , 2006), was renamed to iTunes Store , as they are offered, as well as audio content: games for the iPod 5th generation, movies (currently only Disney and Pixar ) and TV ( Now in more countries). The store currently operates in 22 countries around the world. Among them: Germany , Australia , Austria , Belgium , Canada , Denmark , Spain , United States , Finland , France , Greece , Ireland , Italy , Japan , Luxembourg , Mexico , Norway , the Netherlands , Portugal , United Kingdom , Sweden and Switzerland .

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MiniStore function was added in version 6.0.2 of iTunes. Add a small window in the bottom of the main window, which can be enabled or disabled. When a user selects an item in the library, information about that particular item is sent to the iTunes Store and the MiniStore shows videos and songs on. At first, the MiniStore caused controversy because people thought it was a spyware . 13 Apple made ​​it clear that the MiniStore not collect any information from users and then became optional. 14 On Wednesday, May 30, 2007 is released Itunes version 7.2 in which for the first time you can download DRM-free EMI record company and launched the iTunes Plus songs from higher quality encoding to 256kbps at $ 0.99 dollar a song. On January 15, 2008 introduced the iTunes version 7.6 that includes the feature movie rentals from different studies (Warner Bros., Walt Disney and 20th Century Fox) with the option to rent high-definition (HD).

On August 4, 2009 launched the first Lationamericano iTunes Store in Mexico , which has 4 million songs. The prices are the lowest of all iTunes Store and range from $ 9 MXN (0.71 USD) per song and $ 24 USD per music video, also the cost of the album is $ 120 MXN, on average, but you can find albums from $ 80, $ 90 and $ 110 USD. Currently still lacks the purchase of TV programs. The payment can be by credit card, debit card or with iTunes Gift Cards are available in department stores, supermarkets and distributors at a cost Apple $ 200, $ 300 and $ 600 USD. On November 9, 2010, was released for sale and rent movies for $ 10, $ 25 and $ 40 MXN rent and sale at $ 25 (short films), $ 35 (short films HD), $ 50, $ 80, $ 100 or $ 150 MXN .

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