Omega Logo — Omega is a company of watches based luxury Biel / Bienne , Switzerland . Today, Omega belongs to Swatch and is a watch manufacturer , as some of their watches have their own billing mechanisms.

omega watch logo

omega watch logo

Omega has been official timekeeper for many Olympics since Los Angeles in 1932 to the 2008 Beijing. Omega was the creator of the first photo finish camera in 1949. In the Helsinki games in 1952, Omega introduced an electronic system for measuring time, I had an amazing accuracy the time, half a second per day. In 1961 he introduced the Omegascope, which superimposes on the image on television broadcasts the time clock. In the European Championships in Athletics 1966, the times clocked by the system are accepted as official measurement for testing. In 1967, it introduced the “touch panels” for timing in swimming times, used to date. Omega has sponsored many tournaments of golf, riding or swimming.

After the space flight of Yuri Gagarin’s space race breaks out between Russians and Americans. After some of the clocks fail to go up into space with the first astronauts of Mercury Program , the NASA seeks a watch that is tough for the Gemini program , which would spacewalks or EVA . Two engineers bought chronographs 5 prestigious firms, which were submitted without the knowledge of their ordeals manufacturers to extreme temperatures, vacuum, humidity, shock, acceleration, vibration and noise. The tests were completed on March 1, 1965 and the only one who passed the test was the Speedmaster, which was adopted by NASA as “Clock officially certified for all manned missions.” Prior to certification, two astronauts, Walter M. Schirra and Gordon Cooper had flown with a Speedmaster, after this certification, the first crew to take was the Gemini 3 .

Omega Logo

Omega Logo