Blu-ray Logo

Blu-ray Logo — Blu-ray disc also known as Blu-ray or BD, is a format of optical disc new generation of 12 cm in diameter (same as CD and DVD) for high-definition video and high data storage density. Its storage capacity reaches 25 GB per layer, while Sony and Panasonic have developed a new evaluation index (i-MLSE) that would expand by 33% the amount of stored data, from 25 to 33.4 GB per layer. While others point to the successor of the DVD will not be an optical disc, but the memory card. However, it is working on the HVD or Holographic Versatile Disc 3.9 TB. The capacity limit on the cards format SD / MMC is now in 128 GB, taking the advantage of being rewritable at least 5 years.

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His competitor and successor to the DVD was the HD DVD, but in February 2008 after the downfall of many support for HD DVD, Toshiba decided to abandon the production of breeding and research to improve its format. More

Baskin Robbins Logo

Baskin Robbins Logo — Baskin Robbins is a franchise of ice cream that belongs to the Dunkin ‘Brands. The company was founded in 1953, when Burt Baskin and Irvine Robbins merged their two businesses from ice cream parlors in the city of Glendale, California. It currently has more than 5,800 stores in over 30 countries. The franchise is best known for its slogan 31 flavors, which is the number of flavors of ice cream can be found at each facility, one for each day that has a month. Besides ice cream are sold frozen cakes, shakes, sundaes, coffee and ice cream tubs to take home.

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On May 20th of 1948 two businessmen who were brothers, Burt Baskin and Robbins Irvinne, opened their first ice cream parlor in the city of Glendale, California. In the following years each opened his own ice cream franchises separately, until in 1953 the two merged their businesses in a common brand. More

Duracell Logo

Duracell Logo — Duracell is a global brand to produce batteries and flashlights. Duracell is led by Procter & Gamble. The headquarters of this company is located in Bethel, Connecticut. Duracell is a factory that produces alkaline batteries in many common sizes such as AAA, AA, C, D and 9V. Size also makes the less used as AAAA (primarily for pagers, flashlights and measuring of glucose in the blood) and J size batteries (devices for the hospital). They also made ​​a number of “button” batteries using zinc-air chemistry, used in calculators, hearing, and other small devices (mostly medical related). Duracell began selling Dane-Elec products such as flash memory in 2008.

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Duracell also manufactures specialty batteries, including rechargeable NiMH batteries and batteries for cameras, watches, hearing aids, etc. Their two main battery brands are “Coppertop”, marketed as longer duration, and “Ultra”, intended primarily for users of devices digital devices that need more power. Duracell also has a line of lithium batteries, chemicals and products, now manufactured outside the U.S. More

Hitachi Logo

Hitachi Logo — Hitachi, Ltd. (Hitachi, “Sunrise” in Japanese) is a Japanese company of electronics based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Hitachi manufactured among other military equipment until 1945. It is one of five major manufacturers of semiconductors in Japan, and ranked in the electronics industry It is one of five majors of consumer electronics, including Sony Corporation.

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It is also a world player in the shipbuilding. Hitachi is one of the five manufacturers screens LCD and plasma (with Sharp, LG, Samsung, Panasonic). As with most large Japanese companies of the 1990s, its species are very varied. Its products include chips with magnetic polarities reversed, hard drives, appliances, equipment for nuclear power plants, and diggers. More

Guinness Logo

Guinness Logo — Guinness is a stout type dry stout first brewed by the brewer Arthur Guinness in the brewery called St. James’s Gate Brewery located in the city of Dublin, Ireland. Guinness is produced since 1759. The beer is based on the style porter, which originated in London in early 1700. This is one of the best known beer brands and exported to most countries. It has come to beat many imitators. The distinguishing feature is the taste barley roasted which remains unfermented. For many years part of the beer was aged to give a flavor lactic, but Guinness has resigned confirm if this keeps happening. The thick, creamy foam is a result of a mixture of nitrogen added in the packaging.

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Guinness is a special case, where a brand of alcoholic drink made ​​by a private company has come to identify the soul of a nation. Guinness in Ireland is an institution in its own right, even to symbolize the Irish people. Currently and since 1997 belongs to the multinational Guinness brewery Diageo based in London, resulting from the merger of Guinness UDV and Grand Metropolitan plc. More

Vaseline Logo

Vaseline Logo — The petrolatum is a mixture of hydrocarbons homogeneous saturated long chain. Typically, chains of more than 25 atoms of carbon, obtained from a refining heavy fraction oil. The composition of the mixture may vary depending on the kind of oil and the refining process. Highly refined (white petrolatum) is used in the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics, as a lubricant or as a basis for the preparation of creams, respectively, and presents a whitish waxy transparent.

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Less refined grades (petrolatum yellow, amber or brown) is commonly used in industry and may contain impurities such as compounds aromatic polycyclic carcinogenic character. Therefore, the European Union legislation the use of less refined fractions for exclusive use in industry and entering it unfit for human use. More