Subaru Logo

Subaru Logo — Subaru is a manufacturer of automobiles Japanese, and the company is a subsidiary of Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI). General Motors was a minority shareholder with 20% of this company from 1999 to 2005, when they sold 8.7% of its shares to Toyota, and the rest is left to the open market. Toyota has expanded its participation and since 2008 has 16.5% of the shares.

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Subaru is a Japanese word that means “Kingdom”. For those who know this brand and logo (they are 6 stars, 5 of the same size and larger) that refers to the constellation of the “Pleiades” because it symbolizes the union of 5 assemblers after the Second World War that now make “Fuji Heavy Industries LTD. of Japan” (which is symbolized by the larger star). More

Renault Logo

Renault Logo — Renault is a manufacturer French of cars, commercial vehicles and race cars. Not to be confused with Renault Trucks, a company engaged in the manufacture of commercial vehicles, light and heavy. Renault was founded in 1898 by Louis Renault (1877 — 1944), a pioneer in the automotive industry and Taylorism in France, along with his brothers Marcel and Fernand, and his owner at the time Pefaure Francois (1870 — 1956), under the name Renault Frères. The death of Marcel Renault in 1903 in the Paris-Madrid race, and Fernand Renault in 1907, left the company in the hands of Louis Renault, and its name changed to “Société des Automobiles Renault.”

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Their taxis were very successful and, during World War I, Renault also manufactured ammunition, aircraft and military vehicles such as battle tank Renault FT-17. Renault taxis in Paris played an important role in transporting troops during the war, particularly in the Battle of the Marne. More

Porsche Logo

Porsche Logo — Porsche AG, also known as Porsche SE or Porsche is a car company German that makes sports cars. It is the largest shareholder with voting rights of Volkswagen Group, with which in 2009 raised possible merger, was founded in Stuttgart in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche and his son Ferry Porsche.

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Born in Maffesdorf (then in Austria, now in the Czech Republic), on September 3rd of 1875 and was the third of five children of Anton Porsche, engineer and entrepreneur. From teenager became interested in experimenting with electricity. In 1893 he joined Brown Boveri, Vienna, an electrical company. It proved to be a great professional and rose rapidly. By 1898 it became part of the car division of Jacob Lohner, also in Vienna. In the Universal Exhibition of 1900 in Paris, presented the Lohner-Porsche electric car, powered by 4 electric motors integrated in the wheels of the car. More

Peugeot Logo

Peugeot Logo — Peugeot is a French brand of cars, commercial vehicles and race cars, whose roots go back to the manufacture of bicycles and coffee grinders-first invention of Jean-Jacques Peugeot — in the early nineteenth century. The brand celebrated in 2010 its 200 year history. Along with Citroën (Peugeot bought in the year 1974) are the second constructor at European level, the group PSA Peugeot-Citroen.

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The Peugeot brand of cars called back to the early nineteenth century when Jean-Jacques Peugeot installed near Doubs where it starts to make coffee grinders. This first half results in production after his death the building of a site for the construction of mills in [[Sous-Cratet. His two sons, Jean-Pierre Peugeot and Peugeot Jean-Georges, then a rule will create productive. The youngest, Jean-Pierre, is released later in the textile sector Hérimoncourt. This will have two sons, Jean-Pierre Peugeot junior and Jean-Frédéric Peugeot, which will transform the mill Sous-Cratet in a foundry. More

Opel Logo

Opel Logo — Adam Opel AG, known as OPEL, is a German automobile founded in 1862 by German Adam Opel. Opel cars built since 1899. Adam Opel AG is a subsidiary of U.S. company General Motors since 1929. Adam Opel founded his factory machine sewn on January 21 of 1862 in Rüsselsheim, and in 1886, in May following the example of Coventry factories also manufacture bicycles passed. A Adam Opel did not like cars and dying in 1895, his sons were the ones who raised the possibility of entering the new business due to falling sales of bicycles. So Anhaltische Motorwagenfabrik purchased in 1897. Opened on 21 June 1899, and in year 11 cars were produced.

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In 1900, for differences of opinion between Opel and managers of the acquired factory closed on department vehicles. To combat this, went to import Renault and Darracq from France, acquiring the manufacturing license of Darracq (Opel-Darracq). In 1902 it introduced the first car 100% themselves, a 2 cylinders and 1894 cc 10/12PS. In 1904 they released their first 4-cylinder, and in 1905 an engine with 6880 cc and larger and 35/40PS. Although the basis of the mark patterns were small as “Volksautomobil” and the popular “Doktorwagen”. More

Nissan Logo

Nissan Logo — Nissan Motor Company, Limited is a manufacturer Japanese of cars. Its common name, Nii san, is an acronym for “Nippon Sangyo” (Japanese for “Japanese industry”). Currently ranked second in sales in Japan and is among the major auto companies in terms of annual production of vehicles.

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Nissan’s history dates back to Kwaishinsha Co., an automobile factory founded by Hashimoto Masujiro in Azabu-Hiroo district, Tokyo in 1911. Hashimoto was a pioneer in the automotive industry in Japan since its inception. In 1914, a small passenger car was developed based on your own, and in the following year the car made ​​its debut on the market under the name of Dat. Dat represents the first letters of the surnames of the three mainstays of Hashimoto: Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama and Takeuchi Meitaro. More