Porsche Logo — Porsche AG, also known as Porsche SE or Porsche is a car company German that makes sports cars. It is the largest shareholder with voting rights of Volkswagen Group, with which in 2009 raised possible merger, was founded in Stuttgart in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche and his son Ferry Porsche.

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Born in Maffesdorf (then in Austria, now in the Czech Republic), on September 3rd of 1875 and was the third of five children of Anton Porsche, engineer and entrepreneur. From teenager became interested in experimenting with electricity. In 1893 he joined Brown Boveri, Vienna, an electrical company. It proved to be a great professional and rose rapidly. By 1898 it became part of the car division of Jacob Lohner, also in Vienna. In the Universal Exhibition of 1900 in Paris, presented the Lohner-Porsche electric car, powered by 4 electric motors integrated in the wheels of the car. More