PayPal Logo — PayPal is a company American, owned by eBay , belonging to the sector of electronic commerce on the Internet that allows the transfer of money between users with email , an alternative to traditional paper methods such as checks or money orders . PayPal also processes requests for payment in electronic commerce and other Web services, for which charges a percentage. Most of their clientele comes from the online auction site eBay . From the 31 March of 2008 the Executive Director (CEO) of eBay ‘s John Donahoe . Its headquarters is in San Jose ( California , USA ), its headquarters are in Omaha ( Nebraska , USA) and operations center for Europe is in Dublin ( Ireland ).

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It was initially founded under the name of Confinity in 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin . After its merger with was renamed PayPal. It is worth noting that still retain the domain One of its first headquarters was the 165 University Avenue in Palo Alto , California , where he started several companies in Silicon Valley . In principle, PayPal was a service to transfer money via PDAs . But the payment on the web became a business more appealing. An aggressive marketing by offering the first $ 10 and then $ 5 by registering in the system, caused the growth was meteoric: between 7 and 10% per day between January and March 2000.

eBay purchased PayPal in October 2002, when it was the method of payment used by over 50% of eBay users, and the service competed with eBay’s own system, BillPoint . His last active competitor was BidPay , which closed on 31 December 2005 and relaunched in 2006 under the tutelage of Cyber ​​Source, after the service of Citibank was closed in 2003 and the service of Yahoo! , PayDirect was closed in 2004 . Currently its closest competitors are AlertPay , Moneybookers , PAYTPV and Google Checkout . PayPal’s vice president is Osama Bedier . The principal law is John Muller.

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