Safeway Inc Logo — Safeway, Inc is the third largest retailer in the U.S. Headquartered in Pleasanton , California . The company is in the stock index S & P 500 listed in 2008 and had a turnover of 44.1 billion dollars. Safeway was founded in 1915th.
Besides the name Safeway , the company operates under other brands supermarkets:
- Carr (Carr-Gottstein Foods), Alaska, supermarket chain
- Casa Ley , western Mexico
- Dominick’s (Dominick’s Finer Foods), Illinois , supermarket chain
- Genuardi’s (Genuardi’s Family Markets)
- Pak ‘n Save
- Pavilions
- Randall’s Food Markets , Texas , supermarket chain
- David Simon , Dallas, Texas,
- Tom Thumb Food & Pharmacy , Texas
- Vons (The Vons Companies, Inc.), Southern California / Nevada