Apple TV Logo — Apple TV is a set-top box manufacturers from Apple . She is a TV or a monitor connected and can play at this various media content that they have a local network receives. On 1 September 2010 Apple, the second on 7 March 2012 introduced the third generation.

apple tv logo

apple tv logo

After the huge success of iTunes Apple was the question of how the optimal device would look like for iTunes in the living room. In the form of iPods already existed a mobile device to iTunes. Quite unlike other announced by Steve Jobs , a new product called iTV before its implementation on the keynote on 12 September 2006. That a set-top box, no TV reception and no DVD player includes, unusually, was founded by Steve Jobs with the idea that the typical household has been living in all the devices to play it from CD, DVD or needed for receiving videos. The only thing missing is an iTunes player, with one’s digital media collection from another room (where a computer is) gets into the living room. The iTV was therefore consistently presented only as a wireless receiver. The whole argument highlighted by Steve Jobs with numerous illustrations, look like a typical living room with its many stacked devices, always was placed on top as the ultimate power on iTV. More