Batman Logo (originally known as The Bat-Man) is a character created by American Bob Kane and Bill Finger (although only recognizes the first authorship) owned by DC Comics. His first appearance was in the story entitled The case of chemical union of the magazine Detective Comics #27, launched by the National Publications editorial in May 1939.
Since then, the secret identity of Batman has always been Bruce Wayne (formerly famous as Bruce Wayne in some countries of Spanish-speaking) a businessman billionaire and philanthropist. After witnessing as a child of his parents’ death, vows revenge and, after undergoing rigorous training to physical and mental, is dedicated to fight crime in Gotham City. In all his appearances as Batman, Wayne disguised as bats. Unlike other superheroes, has no superpowers but uses the intellect with science and technology applications to create weapons and tools with which to catch criminals. Wayne lives in the mansion (in which groundwater is the Batcave or Batcave), and is regularly attended by partners and employees, among them Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Officer James Gordon and the butler Alfred Pennyworth. More