Chicago Blackhawks Logo — The Chicago Blackhawks are a team U.S. in ice hockey, created in 1926 and located in Chicago. The franchise is named after the leader of the Native American “Chief Black Eagle.” The team won the Stanley Cup on 4 occasions. Chicago plays in the National Hockey League, framed in the Western Conference. The Regina Capitals were a team from the Western Canada Hockey League until 1925, when they moved and became the Portland Rosebuds. A year later, the league disappeared for bankruptcy. Most players played for Portland’s new Chicago team in the NHL.

chicago blackhawks logo

chicago blackhawks logo

In 1930, the Blackhawks had their best season title with two Stanley Cups. Charlie Gardiner was the star goalie and team, and several players captured four Art Ross Trophies to consecutive scoring in the late 1940: Doug Bentley in 1943, his brother Max in 1946 and 1947, and Roy Conacher in 1949. Max Bentley also won the Hart Trophy Most Valuable Player in the league in 1946. The goalkeeper Al Rollins also won the Hart Trophy in 1954. More