Cinemax Logo — Cinemax (also known as Max in some markets) is a television channel from Time Warner (In the United States) distributed in Latin America by HBO Latin America to various TV networks subscription. In 1994, HBO Olé air launched Cinemax, transmitting a signal that only differed movies and HBO, which broadcast no concerts or sports, and broadcast 24 hours a day just movies (HBO Olé still make the transition to programming 24 hours a day only in 1997). Cinemax also conveyed erotic type films, but only after midnight.

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cinemax logo

Cinemax also focused on the transmission of movies, series and miniseries awards in the present and past. Also characterized by high independent broadcasting, films that do not reach the theaters, nor were displayed on any other channel. HBO Latin America Group owns the signals on the continent and is responsible for the distribution and sale of various basic and premium channels. More