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Blu-ray Logo

Blu-ray Logo — Blu-ray disc also known as Blu-ray or BD, is a format of optical disc new generation of 12 cm in diameter (same as CD and DVD) for high-definition video and high data storage density. Its storage capacity reaches 25 GB per layer, while Sony and Panasonic have developed a new evaluation index (i-MLSE) that would expand by 33% the amount of stored data, from 25 to 33.4 GB per layer. While others point to the successor of the DVD will not be an optical disc, but the memory card. However, it is working on the HVD or Holographic Versatile Disc 3.9 TB. The capacity limit on the cards format SD / MMC is now in 128 GB, taking the advantage of being rewritable at least 5 years.

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His competitor and successor to the DVD was the HD DVD, but in February 2008 after the downfall of many support for HD DVD, Toshiba decided to abandon the production of breeding and research to improve its format. More


NVIDIA Logo — NVIDIA Corporation is a multinational company specializing in the development of graphics processing units and technologies of integrated circuits to workstations, personal computers and mobile devices. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, the company has become one of the leading providers of integrated circuits (ICs), such as graphics processing units GPUs and chipsets used in graphics cards game consoles and motherboards for personal computer.

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NVIDIA GPUs produce the series including GeForce video game, the series NVIDIA Quadro computer aided design and digital content creation workstations, and the series of integrated circuits for nForce motherboards. More

Debian Logo

Debian Logo — Debian is a Linux distribution , since the version 6.0 only free software contains. Debian has been based in 1996 published the first stable version 1.1 buzz up to version 5.0.8 Lenny on the Linux kernel . Since version 6.0, Squeeze, is also a FreeBSD kernel supports. Since version 7.0, Wheezy is also GNU Hurd are supported. Because most of the basic OS tools from the GNU project originate, is also used by Debian GNU / Linux talk. Debian contains a wide variety of application programs and tools, currently there are over 29,000 software packages .

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The Debian project was Ian Murdock on 16 August launched in 1993. Today, with over 1,000 people, put together the system. Debian is one of the few distributions that are even GNU / Linux name (see GNU / Linux naming controversy ). The Debian project is following the opinion of the Free Software Foundation , that the Linux -called operating system, a variant of the GNU system is. Debian developers can be anyone who goes through the so-called New Maintainer process is successful, the candidate among other things, to test whether they ideological divide of the project. More

Fujitsu Logo

Fujitsu Logo — Fujitsu (is a company Japan specializing in the area of semiconductors, computers (supercomputers, personal computers, servers ), telecommunications , and services. Its capital is located in Tokyo . The company was established in 1935 under the name Fuji Tsushinki Seizo, a spinoff of the Fuji Electric Company, which in turn was a joint venture between the Furukawa Electric Company and the German industrial conglomerate Siemens . Belonging to the Zaibatsu Furukawa allowed out almost unscathed from the occupation of Japan after World War II .

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In 1954 Fujitsu manufactured the first Japanese computer, the FACOM 100 , and in 1961 the transistorized FACOM 222 . In 1967 the company name was officially changed to contraction Fujitsu . In Spain it is Secoinsa the March 2 of 1975 among Telefónica , the INI and Fujitsu, from Telefonica’s purchase of six computers Fujitsu M-190 in 1974 , both to service the equipment to enter the computer market and technology. In 1977 ends its factory in Spain, allowing supply with equipment manufactured locally (until then largely covered by imports) and a proven technology in Japan. His Secoinsa FM-7 equip the Athena project first attempt to computerize the Spanish schools. Throughout his life has an important participation in business networks. Finally, in 1986 Fujitsu becomes the majority shareholder with 60%, becoming a subsidiary of Fujitsu Secoinsa. More

Red Hat Logo

Red Hat Logo — The company Red Hat is an American software company based in Raleigh , North Carolina , among other things, the widespread distribution of Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux and sells at the Fedora Project is involved. In the past, and Red Hat Linux has distributed by Red Hat. The shares of Red Hat Inc. in the U.S. stock exchange NYSE traded.

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The company was founded in 1993 by Red Hat Marc Ewing founded and joined the company in 1995 with ACC together by Canadian Bob Young. Young took over the company, the Office of the CEO , the 1999 Matthew J. Szulik passed, who headed the company until 2007. More

Windows 7 Logo

Microsoft Windows 7 is an operating system from Microsoft . It was published on 22 October 2009 and the next version of Microsoft Windows Vista.While the company an operating system version, code-named Longhorn developed, which later was released as Windows Vista, Microsoft first began under the code name Blackcomb , from 2006 as Vienna , the development of subsequent versions. In October 2008, the manufacturer name for Windows 7 is known as the successor of Windows Vista system.

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The first pre-release was on 28 September 2008 to the participants of the PDC distributed. At the Consumer Electronics Show 2009, on 7 Began in January, was a beta version today officially opened for MSDN and TechNet members, and then on 9 January, the public, available for download (build 7000). More