Debian Logo — Debian is a Linux distribution , since the version 6.0 only free software contains. Debian has been based in 1996 published the first stable version 1.1 buzz up to version 5.0.8 Lenny on the Linux kernel . Since version 6.0, Squeeze, is also a FreeBSD kernel supports. Since version 7.0, Wheezy is also GNU Hurd are supported. Because most of the basic OS tools from the GNU project originate, is also used by Debian GNU / Linux talk. Debian contains a wide variety of application programs and tools, currently there are over 29,000 software packages .

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The Debian project was Ian Murdock on 16 August launched in 1993. Today, with over 1,000 people, put together the system. Debian is one of the few distributions that are even GNU / Linux name (see GNU / Linux naming controversy ). The Debian project is following the opinion of the Free Software Foundation , that the Linux -called operating system, a variant of the GNU system is. Debian developers can be anyone who goes through the so-called New Maintainer process is successful, the candidate among other things, to test whether they ideological divide of the project.

The name of the distribution is derived from the name of Debian founder Ian Murdock and his ex-wife, Debra. The system is known for its package manager dpkg frontend and its APT . With these it is possible to replace older versions of Debian GNU / Linux by current or install new software packages. They are also responsible for all needed by a program dependencies to resolve, then load all the packages and install it takes for the software you want.

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