Craigslist is an online community Web organized by cities, which offers each free classified ads on various topics: employment, housing, sentimental, sale / barter, miscellaneous services, jobs of short duration, and so on. It also has forums sorted by various topics. It was founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark for the Bay Area of San Francisco . After its establishment in 1999, Craigslist expanded into nine more cities in 2000 (all in U.S. ), four per year in 2001 and 2002 and 14 in 2003. Until June 2006, Craigslist had established itself in approximately 310 cities worldwide.

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craigslist logo

In 2006, Craigslist operates with a staff of 28 people. Their only source of income is through the collection of classified ads for employment in certain cities ($ 75 per ad for the Bay Area of San Francisco, $ 25 per ad for New York , Los Angeles , Boston , Seattle , Washington DC and listings of real estate agencies in New York ($ 10 per ad)). More