Gmail Logo — Gmail, elsewhere called Google Mail (Germany, Austria and United Kingdom) for legal reasons, one is a service of e-mail with POP3 and IMAP capabilities provided by the company free U.S. Google as of April 15 of 2004 and has captured the attention of the media for its technological innovations, capacity, and some news that warned of the violation of the privacy of users. After more than five years, the Gmail service, along with Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Talk and Google Buzz, the July 7, 2009, left their quality of Beta and became finished products.

gmail logo

gmail logo

Gmail was a project started by Google developer Paul Buchheit for several years before it was announced to the public. Initially, Gmail was available exclusively for Google employees internally. Google announced Gmail to the public on April 1, 2004. 16 The IMAP support was added October 24, 2007. More