google logo

google logo

Google Logo — Google Inc. is the owner of the trademark Google , whose main product is the search engine of content on the Internet the same name. The engine is the result of the doctoral thesis of Larry Page and Sergey Brin (two students in Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University ) to improve search on Internet. Coordination and advice were due to Mexican Hector Garcia Molina , director at the time Computer Systems Laboratory of the same Stanford University . The domain “Google” was registered on September 15, 1997. From the project completed, Page and Brin founded, the September 4 of 1998 , the company Google Inc., which premieres on the Internet search engine onSeptember 27 following (considered the anniversary date). They had a server with 80 CPUs, and two routers HP. This search engine surpassed other more popular at the time, AltaVista , which was created in 1995 . More