Hummer Logo — Hummer was a brand of off-road vehicles belonging to the group General Motors. The first model is a derivative of the Humvee, a vehicle to use military. On February 26 of 2010, General Motors announced that it had discussions with several OEMs interested in buying the brand after the failed attempt at negotiations with Sichuan Tengzhong. However, the company had announced its interest in dismantling the factory and sell it for parts The April 7th of 2010, General Motors officially ended the production of Hummer SUV brand and offering attractive deals to sell the remaining 2,200 vehicles.

hummer logo

hummer logo

The HMMV was originally built by AM General Corporation, the former division of engines for the government and armed forces Americans. AM General decided to start selling vehicles to civilians in the late 1980’s. In 1990 two paired white Hummer were conducted by the central part of the Soviet Union. The Hummer took the road without any problem because they were designed to be driven by off-road terrain. With the success of the trip spread over the Hummer in the United States. This diffusion would palidecida compared with HMMWV services in Operation Desert Storm the following year. More