Lufthansa Logo — Deutsche Lufthansa AG (H: Luft air + Hansa), based in Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia) is a German airline considered since 2009 as the airline’s largest Europe. Your base is the airport of Frankfurt Frankfurt and Munich International Airport is becoming a second axle hub of the company. His hangar for repairs are in Hamburg.

lufthansa logo

lufthansa logo

Deutsche Lufthansa was a public company, nearly 100% until 1953. In 1966 his first action quoted in Stock Exchange and in 1994 the German government still owned 34% of the shares. Since 1997 the whole company is in private hands. Flights that are regional, continental, intercontinental, regional or even merchandise Deutsche Lufthansa code IATA LH and its code of ICAO is DLH. International flights that go to Germany are an odd number from Germany and given a number. More