Netflix Logo — Netflix is a video platform that offers a completely legal in streaming movies and TV shows, in exchange for a monthly subscription fee. Netflix was founded in 1997 in California, United States created by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a video with a video platform via online or by mail (service available only for USA), which gives the subscriber unlimited income the movies and their catalog.

netflix logo

netflix logo

However, the “Netflix revolution” has been given to the service monitoring via streaming, although today the home delivery service is maintained and even adapts and updates, such films now offers Blu-Ray, This activity is aimed at the low, particularly when compared with the rapid popularization of the service via broadband connections. In fact, this service is not even contemplated in its international expansion into Latin America and Europe. A half of 2011 has more than 25 million subscribers in the U.S. and Canada, allowing users to enjoy all the recent releases in the home playback systems. More