Nook Logo — Internal Tarn-name Bravo . Since the beginning of 2010 (announced on 20 October 2009) distributes Barnes & Noble its own electronic reading device ( e-book reader ) under the name NOOK ( made-up word , consisting of book and Noble, Barnes could not be used because it again resulting book would, in the English Nook is also the word for hiding). Barnes & Noble is in addition to Amazon ‘s second major book seller who brings their own (or licensed under their own name) e-reader on the market.

nook logo

nook logo

The NOOK is equipped with a central display, thus a reading surface features in e-ink technology and include a color touch screen. It is also connected via wireless (either UMTS or via Wi-Fi ) and Internet-enabled and connected to the Barnes & Noble store. The NOOK is currently a combination of 3G / WiFi available or only Wifi (starting in May 2010). At the same time the price for the NOOK 3G has been reduced in price. Amazon, as a direct competitor of Barnes & Noble in North America, its corresponding reduced offer only hours later. The NOOK (3G/WiFi, wireless) has been more than a million copies sold (June 2010). More