Oracle Corporation is one of the largest companies in software in the world. Its products range from databases ( Oracle ) to management systems. It also has its own tools for developing powerful applications such as Oracle Designer , Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Developer Suite . Its CEO now is Larry Ellison . Today Oracle is the gold standard for database technology and applications in enterprises throughout the world. The company is the leading global provider of information management software and the second largest independent software company. The acquisition of Sun was given a leading role in the software field.

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Oracle emerged in the late 70’s under the name “Relational Software” from a study of George Koch on management systems database that Computer World defined as one of the most comprehensive ever written on the subject. This article includes a comparison of products to Relational Software stood as the most complete from a technical standpoint. This was because he used the philosophy of the database relational , something that at that time was still unknown. It was 1977 when Faber founded Software Development Laboratories Bedoya, back in 1979 changed its name to Relational Software, Inc. introduces its new product faberbeta0.2 as a commercial version of a management system databases. More