Tupolev Logo — Tupolev is an aerospace and defense company in Russia . Its official name is PSC Tupolev , and is the heir to the famous Tupolev OKB (Opytno Konstruktórskoye Biuro) or Office of Construction and Design Tupolev ( OKB-156 , prefixed You for your designs), led by the renowned Soviet aerospace engineer Andrei N. Tupolev . The company celebrated its 80 year history on October 22 of 2002 and is headquartered in Moscow .

Tupolev Logo

Tupolev Logo

The area that focuses Tupolev PSC is the development, manufacture and repair of aerospace products both civilian and military, such as airplanes and weapons systems. It also works in the fields of missiles and naval aviation . He has completed over 300 projects, and produced more than 18,000 airplanes for the USSR and the Soviet bloc . More