US Navy Logo — The Army or Navy of the United States (United States Navy), also known as USN or U.S. Navy, is a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States responsible for carrying out operations naval. Its main function is to “maintain, train and equip for combat naval forces capable of achieving the victory of the war, responding to aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas”. As of May 2010, the Navy has 330,729 troops to 102,923 active and reserve, has 289 ships and over 3,500 aircraft.

us navy logo

us navy logo

The Navy has its origins in the Continental Army, which was established after the Revolutionary War and was disbanded shortly thereafter. The constitution is the legal basis for providing a “Force of the Seas”, giving Congress the power to “create and maintain a navy.” The attacks on U.S. ships by pirates of Barbary forced Congress to use this power ordering the construction of six frigates. The USN entered the world stage in the twentieth century, especially during World War II. This was part of the conflict as an improvement to flaunt U.S. Army-The attack on Pearl Harbor — the official surrender of Japan on the USS Missouri. The United States had other subsequent conflict, the Cold War, which was improved for possible nuclear war with the Soviet Union. More