Wells Fargo Logo — Wells Fargo & Co is a diversified financial services with operations throughout the world. Wells Fargo is the fourth largest U.S. bank by assets and the third largest bank by market capitalization. Wells Fargo is the second largest bank in deposits, mortgage services, and debit cards. In 2007 he was the only bank in the United States to have a AAA rating by S & P, 5 although its rating has been downgraded to AA- 6 in the light of the economic crisis of 2008.

wells fargo logo

wells fargo logo

Based in San Francisco, California, Wells Fargo is the result of an acquisition, California Wells Fargo & Co. based in California by the Minneapolis-based corporation Norwest Corporation in 1998. The new company chose to keep the name Wells Fargo, to capitalize on the long history of national recognition of Wells Fargo. Following the acquisition, the parent company moved its headquarters to San Francisco. More