UNIDO Logo — The Organization of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO, was established by the General Assembly in 1966 as a body to promote and accelerate the industrialization in developing countries. It is also known in its acronym in English: UNIDO. The specialized agency took shape in 1979 but became a fully autonomous body on 1 January of 1986.

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The UNIDO promotes cooperation between industrialized and developing countries to accelerate industrial development, stimulating activities for the promotion of investment and technology transfer. The industrialized and developing countries jointly examine ways to accelerate industrialization by encouraging the participation of the government sector and industry. Based on surveys and studies, UNIDO creates and refines concepts and development approaches, contributes to making the plans public, cooperative and private sectors, including the encouragement of cooperation between companies interested in these sectors.

Also, organizes industrial training programs, provides advice and assistance to countries to obtain external financing on equitable and fair, and collects, analyzes, publishes, standardizes and improves industrial statistics. The headquarters of this entity in the United Nations system is in Vienna.

united nations industrial development organization logo

united nations industrial development organization logo