United States Army Logo — The United States Army (in English : United States Army , abbreviated U.S. Army ) is the largest branch of the Armed Forces of the United States . His principal responsibility for military operations on land. In 2009 consisted of 549,015 soldiers on active duty, 358,391 in the Army National Guard ( Army National Guard ) and 205,297 in the Army Reserve U.S. ( United States Army Reserve ).

US Army Logo

US Army Logo

The Army has its origin in the Continental Army ( Continental Army ), which was created on June 14th of 1775 , before the establishment of the United States to fight in the War of Independence . After the war and the dismantling of the Continental Army, on June 3rd of 1784 the Congress created the United States Army. Despite this, the Army is considered an evolution of the Continental Army and to account for its origin in 1775 .

The Army is managed by the Department of the Army , led by the Secretary of the Army , which is responsible for administrative affairs,The U.S. Army currently consists of 10 divisions, plus several independent units. The next order of battle is effective from the end of Army transformation plan in 2009. Each division has four brigades of ground maneuvers (shown here), and includes at least one aviation brigade plus a brigade of artillery and a brigade service support. Depending on the mission, you can assign or add additional brigades to a division headquarters.

US Army Seal

US Army Seal

United States Army Logo

United States Army Logo