United States Marine Corps Logo — The Marine Corps of the United States is a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States responsible for providing force projection from Tues , using the mobility of the Navy U.S. to rapidly deploy combined arms forces. In the structure of civilian leadership of the army of the United States Marine Corps is a component of the Navy often work closely with the Navy. However, in the military leadership structure of the Marine Corps is a separate branch.

United States Marine Corps Logo

United States Marine Corps Logo

The Captain Samuel Nicholas formed two battalions of Continental Marines on November 10 of 1775 in Philadelphia as Marines . Since then, the mission of the Marine Corps has evolved with changing military doctrine and American foreign policy . The Marine Corps served in every American armed conflict and attained prominence in the twentieth century . They are the cornerstone of the Pacific campaign of World War II . mid-twentieth century, the Marine Corps had become the dominant theorist and practitioner of amphibious warfare . Your ability to respond quickly to regional crises gives an important role in the implementation and execution of U.S. foreign policy.

The Marine Corps of the United States, October 2009, has 203,000 active duty and just under 40,000 in the reserve . is the smallest branch of the armed forces of the Department of Defense ‘s ( Guard U.S. , are about one fifth the size of the Marine Corps, but usually they operate under theDepartment of Homeland Security ). The Marine Corps is, however, greater than the vast majority of the armed forces of other important countries. For example, is larger than the active duty Israel Defense Forces or the entire British army .

The Marine Corps accounts make up about six percent of the military budget of the United States. The cost per Marine is 20 000 dollars less than the cost of the other military branches, and all the force can be used for any combat operation, ie, the Marines will cover all the Three Block War .

usmc logo

usmc logo

US Marine Corps Logo

US Marine Corps Logo

United States Marine Corps Logo

United States Marine Corps Logo