Allianz Logo — The Allianz Group is the largest insurer Europe and one of the largest insurers and financial service providers in the world. One of the largest insurance pools in the world and is linked to almost every company German major. Allianz is the largest shareholder of AGF and RAS, both owners of Mondial Assitance Group and Mondial Assistance Contigo.

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In 1890 was founded Allianz AG in Munich by Carl von Thieme and Wilhelm von Finck in their business. The company was influenced by the bank Merck Finck & Co, the Dresdner Bank AG and its founders Thieme and Finck, previously established with Munich Re. In 1893 was founded the first overseas branch in London. Two years later, in 1895, shares of the company entered the German Stock Exchange.

In 1906 Allianz made ​​its first big clients pay as they had to meet the payments of the devastating earthquake in San Francisco. In April 1912, when the Titanic struck an iceberg, Allianz also faced payments policies. In 1922, the subsidiary of Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG was founded. During the German merger wave the 20’s, several companies (including the Frankfurter Versicherungs-AG and AG Bayerische insurance), were acquired by Allianz, but their names were kept.

In 1932 he opened a laboratory for the investigation of damage, the Allianz Center for Technology (AZT). The objective was to verify the actual damage to show to interested companies. From 1933 to 1945 also made ​​sure subregional organizations in the Nazis, and took the spread of the German Empire to establish new businesses. In 1990, under President Henning Schulte-Noelle, Allianz started an expansion into eight Eastern European countries by establishing a presence in Hungary.

In the same decade, Allianz also acquired Fireman’s Fund, an insurance company in the United States, which was followed by the acquisition of Seguros Generales de France (AGF), Paris. These acquisitions were followed by expansion in Asia with several joint ventures and acquisitions in China and South Korea. Around this time Allianz expanded its asset management business as well as, for example, by buying asset management companies in California. In 1998, a group of historians, led by Gerald D. Feldman, investigated in the history of Allianz of 1933-1945 and the results were published in September 2001. Based on these results, we performed a permanent exhibition of Allianz files.

In 2000 became the first German company to list on the NYSE and in 2001, Allianz acquired Dresdner Bank, a major German bank. Allianz Group and Dresdner Bank combined their asset management activities through the creation of Allianz Global Investors. In 2002, Michael Diekmann became president of CEO of Allianz AG.

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