Domino’s Pizza Logo — Domino’s Pizza is a multinational company of fast food , specializing in pizzas . Today is the second string of such largest United States , and has 9,000 stores under a franchise in over 60 countries. The company was founded in 1960 in Ypsilanti ( Michigan ) by Tom Monaghan , and over the years was expanding its business throughout the country. From 1998 belongs to the private equity fund Bain Capital , and in 2004 began trading on the stock exchange.

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In 1960 , Tom Monaghan and his brother James bought “DomiNick’s”, a small pizzeria in Ypsilanti ( Michigan ) for $ 500, and started working on it. Soon, his brother James sold half of its business for a Volkswagen Beetle at second hand, and so Tom took the entire business.

When done with two more stores in the state of Michigan, Tom renamed in 1965 to their businesses as “Domino’s Pizza”, adopting as a logo tabdominated local symbolizing the three originals. In 1967 he opened his first restaurant chain franchisee and soon began to creecer, coming to have in ten years with 200 stores throughout the United States . The group achieved much popularity in 1973 thanks to an advertising technique later imitated by other brands, which guaranteed a free pizza at home if it took more than 30 minutes to surrender.

In 1975 the group had to stand trial with the sugar Amstar Corporation , maker of Sugar Domino, alleging that the pizzeria has violated the rights of its brand. The litigation lasted five years and was finally resolved in favor of Domino’s Pizza, which could maintain its trademark. In 1981 the group opened their establishment number 500, and in 1983 reaches 1,000 stores with its first locations outside the United States: one in Winnipeg ( Canada ) and one in Queensland ( Australia ).

In 1988 , Domino’s came to a Spanish speaking country, when it opened its first store in Bogotá ( Colombia ). was later extended to other countries like Mexico and Guatemala ( 1989 ), Venezuela ( 1992 ), Ecuador and Peru ( 1995 ) . With more than 7,000 open worldwide, Tom Monaghan sold in1998 to 93% of the company to private equity fund Bain Capital 1,000 million dollars and announced his retirement.

In 2004 the company began trading on the NYSE , and in 2006 opened his establishment number 8,000. In 2009 , Domino’s renews its menu to include other products in the United States as sausages or paste , and introduces elements for the consumer and tracked in “real time” making your pizza via the Internet. In May of that year, the company expands its network in Spain after the Zena Group abandoned its franchisee Pizza Hut to change by the mark.

In 1986 , Domino’s Pizza created a mascot for the whole group. The character known as “The Noid” was a goblin evil and insane, red dress and performed by claymation , which unsuccessfully tried to ruin any pizza. His popularity led him to star in two games, the most famous of which I! Noid ( 1990 ), which has been parodied on shows like Family Guy . Another of his best-known strategies introduced in 1973 , and a pizza delivery guaranteed free if it took more than 30 minutes to surrender. Over the years, the technique was replaced by a discount of three dollars of the total price, and later by a guarantee to the consumer. Commercial techniques have also been extended to other fields, such as offers 2×1, or order free promotions via the Internet at certain times.

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