The Yell Group plc is a service company in the UK, the telephone directories and other similar services provides. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange in the FTSE 100 listed. Yell Group is headquartered in Reading, Berkshire , west of London , England .

The company was founded in 2001 by privatizing a portion of the formerly state-owned company British telephone company BT Group established that brought out the yellow pages in the UK. In March 2006 the company employed around 11 368 employees. Yell Group offers the Yellow Pages in book format and online at. Yell Group acquired in 2005 in the United States , the company Transwestern Holdings LP, which brings out in 25 states in the United States telephone directories. In 2006, Yell Group, 59.9% of the Spanish services company Telefonica Publicidad e Información (TPI) of the company Telefónica .