Fiverr is a website that was founded in Israel by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger. They wanted to provide a platform for people to be able to buy and sell a variety of small/micro services at a low price that was normally only offered by freelance contractors. It includes categories such as graphic design, writing, programming, and advertising.

Fiverr Logo

Fiverr Logo

Fiverr manages and regulates the buying and selling of jobs, or what they call “gigs”, online. There are more than 1,000,000 services available on Fiverr right now that range from silly and quirky to professional micro-services. For five dollars (US) people will sing while holding a sign with your company logo or will give you travel tips for visiting Paris or anything else you can think of. Gigs on the site span quite a wide range with such things for sale as celebrity impressions, SEO tips, or custom printed t-shirts.

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Black Fiverr Logo

Fiverr also has a concept of “levels” for sellers. As a seller moves up levels, they have more options available to them such as offering additional services at a price that they can set. This allows sellers that cannot make a profit at $5 a gig to become profitable by selling via Fiverr. If you are new to Fiverr you can read about how to make money on Fiverr.

fiverr wallpaper

Fiverr Wallpaper