Flickr is a website that allows you to store, sort, search, sell and share pictures and video online. Flickr currently has a large community of users sharing the photographs and videos created by themselves. This community is governed by rules of behavior and conditions of use to promote good management of content.

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Flickr’s popularity is largely due to its ability to manage images using tools that allow authors to tag their photos and images to explore and comment on other users. Flickr has a free version and another fee, called a pro. Currently, subscribers Free accounts can upload videos in normal quality photos and 100 MB per month, with up to 200 pictures as a stop for each free account. After that limit reached 200 images, only the last 200 remain visible images uploaded, that is, spend the first charges to be hidden, but not eliminated. This is remedied by updating the account to a Pro Similarly, a user with free account can only upload images with a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. That is, if the user loads a higher resolution image, the site resizes to the resolution mentioned above.

In addition, subscribers have Pro accounts storage space and unlimited bandwidth, and the option to upload videos in HD and the ability to upload and view images in their original resolution. Today, an upgrade to Pro account $ 24 U.S. borders.

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