ILO Logo — The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with matters relating to labor and labor relations. It was founded on April 11th of 1919, as part of negotiations on the Treaty of Versailles. Its constitution, adopted in 1919, is complemented by the Declaration of Philadelphia of 1944.

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The ILO has a government tripartite, composed of representatives of governments, trade unions and employers. Its supreme body is the International Conference, which meets annually in June. Its governing body is the Board of Directors which meets quarterly. The Governing Body is the executive body of the ILO and meets three times a year in Geneva. Takes decisions on ILO policy and establishes the program and budget are then submitted to the Conference for approval. It also elects the Director General. In 2003 he was reelected to office Chilean Juan Somavia. The headquarters is in Geneva (Switzerland). In 1969 the ILO received the Nobel Peace Prize. It is composed by 184 nation states (2012). Has no power to punish governments.

The International Labour Organization was founded in 1919 as part of negotiations that were opened in the Peace Conference held first to Paris and then in Versailles at the end of WWI. Negotiations had the distinction of being made ​​between governments, unions and employers organizations, who were based on the International Association for the Legal Protection of Workers which had been founded in Basel in 1901 to establish the Constitution of the Organization Labour, adopted by the Paris Peace Conference and included in Section XIII of the Treaty of Versailles. The International Labour Organization was organized from the start with a government tripartite, unique, composed of representatives of governments, workers and employers, and elected as the first Director General to the French Albert Thomas.

